Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I loved this article on getting an energy boost!  I even keep a bottle of sriracha at work to spice up my lunch.  I have been known to make a vinaigrette so spicy, not knowing the heat from our own peppers we are growing, that even I couldn’t eat it!  (I did make little frozen cubes out of it and now use a cube or two for future vinaigrettes).  Thank you Shape Magazine!  Spice it up everyone; kick it up a notch or two!
According to a recent study from Australia's University of Tasmania, people who added chili paste to their lunch experienced steadier blood sugar levels throughout the afternoon than those who didn't spice up their meals. A substance in peppers called capsaicin helps metabolize food, making it readily available to the body as energy, say researchers.
In fact, hot peppers have traditionally been used for this purpose in the Caribbean. Barbados-born Rihanna often revs up before concerts by eating a super spicy chicken soup with habaƱero and Serrano peppers, says Ameera Leguex, a Los Angeles chef who creates fiery dishes for the singer. An easy way to add heat: "Sprinkle air-popped popcorn with cayenne pepper and paprika."

Monday, July 30, 2012

Get More Fiber in Your Diet...
For the average person, consuming enough fiber for the day is a challenge. Fiber not only helps our digestive system work well, but it also aids in weight loss and good overall health. So, what is the key to getting more fiber in your diet? The first step is to look at your current diet now, is it filled with fruits, vegetables and whole grains?
Most importantly is it filled with the recommended 25 grams of fiber a day? If not, here are a few things you can do to make sure you are eating enough fiber
Eat beans – Consuming beans and other types of legumes such as lentils will supply you with a good amount of fiber – often times up to 5-8 grams in one serving. Try to incorporate this into your daily meals and you should be well on your way to getting a good amount of fiber in.
Whole grains, whole grains – Fiber is easy to find if you are purchasing whole grains at the supermarket, make sure to check if there is at least 3-4 grams of fiber in the list and you will know you are purchasing the correct type of grains to consume.
Get Fruity – Fruits offer a good amount of fiber and they can replace a lot of unhealthy desserts. If you begin by replacing a piece of fruit such as an apple, banana or some strawberries you can begin to get a good amount of fiber into your diet while also enjoying some sweet natural treats.
Stock up on Veggies – One sure way to consume a good amount of fiber from vegetables is to start eating more of them at more meals throughout your day. Start off with putting some veggies in your lunch and dinner and then steadily move toward even including some in your breakfast – think omelettes with broccoli, spinach and maybe some mushrooms. By eating more vegetables you will be consuming more fiber.

Friday, July 27, 2012

I Love Myths...
“To lose weight, pick a daily calorie limit and stick with it until the weight comes off”
NOPE. Here's the thing -- there's not one special number that works for everyone. You and a friend could eat exactly the same foods, in exactly the same amounts, and only one of you might lose weight. The number of calories needed for weight loss varies due to many factors: current weight, height, activity level, etc. Plus, that number can change as you drop pounds. If you want some instant info, consult a calorie calculator that takes the aforementioned factors into consideration. You may also want to talk to a doctor or nutritionist for professional advice.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

You've heard of Superfoods, but…Superfruits? Not every fruit qualifies. Those deemed "super" by nutrition scientists are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you live longer, look better, and even prevent disease.  Superfruits are best consumed whole, not processed. So if possible, try to buy and eat these fruits fresh. Experts estimate that you should be eating five to nine portions of fruit or vegetables a day, and most of them should be Superfruits.
What makes grapes a Superfruit? A powerful antioxidant called resveratrol, which promotes a healthy heart. Researchers have also found that compounds found in grape seed extract seem to help slow Alzheimer's disease (at least in mice) and can clobber head and neck cancer cells grown in the laboratory. Oh, and forget bleaching your teeth. "The malic acid in grapes naturally breaks down stains and discolorations on teeth," says Elisa Mello, DDS, assistant clinical professor at New York University. Snack on grapes that are just ripe, because the acid declines as the fruit ripens.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Do It Anywhere...

Couldn’t get your exercise on today? Here are some ideas for you to get you feeling strong, boost metabolism and burn calories anywhere!

Waist Trimmer
Sit towards the edge of a chair with your back perfectly straight and your hips firmly planted. Hold on to a water bottle, a book, or a dumbbell with both hands at chest-level. Keeping your hips still and squared toward the front, rotate your torso to the left, then back to center, and to the right. Keep abs contracted and use a slow, controlled motion so that your abs and obliques––not your arms––do the work. Rotate to each side 15-20 times and complete 2-3 sets.

Counter Push-Ups
Assist your push-ups by doing them against any counter, desk or sturdy table rather than on the floor. Keeping elbows in and legs straight, do 2-3 sets of 15-20 push-ups.

Killer Wall Sits
Stand with your back flat against a wall or door. Keeping your entire back against the wall, walk your feet out about one-and-a-half feet in front of you. With your feet shoulder-distance apart and your weight in your heels, slide your back down the wall into you're in a sitting position, you're thighs parallel to the floor. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds. Slowly slide back up the wall and repeat 3 times.
Chair Ab Tilt
Scoot to the edge of a chair as you did in the Waist Trimmer. Lean back, feeling all of your abdominal muscles engage, but don't let your back touch the back of the chair. Hold for as long as you can, then return to sitting upright. Remember to breathe, and repeat this several times throughout the day, strengthening your back, core, and abs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Grass Fed Beef...

Yeah, I know: grass-fed beef is a little pricey. But its higher ratio of good-for-you fats make it well worth the cost: A study in Nutrition Journal found that grass-fed meat contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce the risk of heart disease. And when it comes to your waistline, grass-fed beef is naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat. Consider this: A 7-ounce conventional strip steak, trimmed of fat, will run you 386 calories and 16 grams of fat. But a 7-ounce grass-fed strip steak is only 234 calories and five grams of fat—you’ll save more than 150 calories and your steak will taste better. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Myth Buster...

“Getting lots of sleep can help with weight management."

TRUE! Think about it this way: When you're sleep deprived, you don't feel energized. And neither does the rest of your body... which means less energy for efficiently burning calories. A recent study found that sleeping for more than 9 hours a night could suppress genetic influences on weight and favorably affect BMI (body mass index). On the flip side, getting less than 7 hours of shut-eye had the opposite effect. Another study found that merely viewing junk food while sleep deprived activated reward centers in a person's brain -- more so than those who got a sufficient amount of sleep -- which could make said food harder to resist. Rest is important, people!

Friday, July 20, 2012

It's true that most veggies make for great diet fare. Non-starchy vegetables in particular, such as carrots, celery and spinach, are filled with fiber. Like other foods high in fiber, they can help keep you feeling satiated.  Plus, they're pretty self-regulating. You can't really overeat with non-starchy vegetables. After all, how many baby carrots can a person eat without needing to dunk them in some ranch dressing?

So while there are many veggies that can help you stay slim, tomatoes might be a particularly good option because they're so tasty. And, besides, with that whole a-tomato-is-a-vegetable-no-it's-a-fruit argument, you might have forgotten all about eating them. One cup of cooked, red tomatoes contains just 43 calories, but tastes just as delicious as any number of high-calorie foods.  There is nothing like a perfect, ripen tomato picked right off the vine.  Now, if our tomato plant, that has taken over our balcony would start producing tomatoes, I would be the happiest person in the world!

And that's at least half the secret, finding foods that are both healthy and tasty. The good thing is, they do exist. Over time, you'll discover what wholesome, filling foods you prefer, expanding your choices while shrinking your waistline. 
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Energy Drink VS. Coffee
Looking for a caffeine fix? While an energy drink or a cup of joe will both give you a nice jolt, which has fewer calories?
Winner:  Coffee
The next time you need an afternoon pick-me-up, consider the following: one cup of black coffee only has two calories, while a can of popular energy drink Red Bull (8.5oz) contains 113 calories (and 27.5g of sugar!). A little java might be your best bet.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Abs-olute Truths...
Rumor - crunches alone will contour your core.
Reality - This old go-to does strengthen the rectus abdominis.  But, to sculpt your entire middle, you need to do moves that fire up the obliques - the muscles along the sides of your waist and the transverse abdominis - the muscles that run horizontally across your belly, too.  Add planks and twist to add to the mix for a well-rounded plan!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Coffee Drinks...
With the summer heat already in full swing, it’s going to be another 100 degrees in Chicago today,  it's time to bring on the icy coffee drinks - along with the calories. While many are trying to keep their bikini bods in check, the sugary temptation of an ice-cold drink can be too much to resist. But just how fattening are these seemingly innocuous beverages?  Just about as bad as their hot partners if not worse!  They are like drinking a milk shake.  In the summer we take any of our leftover coffee and put it in the fridge to cool and later add ice cubes and voila - iced coffee!

Monday, July 16, 2012


The term "superfood" doesn't have a formal definition, but it's generally used to describe a food with nutrients or natural compounds that go to work in your body to optimize health or prevent disease. The truth is nearly every plant-based food on the planet can be categorized as "super" from fruits and vegetables to whole grains, beans, nuts, herbs, and spices.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Brain Boosting Foods...
All the staple foods you need in your diet that improves your health, but also boosts your energy. Create a shopping list to include these must-have endurance foods;
1. Beef, extra lean: High in iron, a mineral that improves memory, alertness and attention span.
2. Beets: Contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that helps relay signals from one brain cell to another
3. Blueberries: Excellent source of antioxidants and “anthocyanins,” compounds thought to help protect brain cells from toxins, improves use of glucose in the brain, and promotes communication between brain cells.
4. Broccoli: Packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that help protect brain tissue from toxins.
5. Carrots: High in beta carotene and other natural substances that help protect brain tissue from toxins.
6. Chicken: High in tyrosine, an amino acid required for the production of the alertness chemicals dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. When your brain is producing these, you think and react more quickly, and feel more motivated, attentive and mentally energetic.
7. Citrus fruits: Contain vitamin C and other antioxidants that help maintain sharp memory and help brain cells resist damage.
8. Edamame: Contains phenylalanine, an amino acid that helps relay signals from one brain cell to another.
9. Eggs: High in the B vitamin choline, which helps with memory.
10. Egg whites: High in protein, which can improve alertness by increasing levels of norepinephrine, which helps keep your brain at its sharpest.
11. Hot chilies: Contains the fiery-tasting chemical capsaicin. Capsaicin stimulates circulation, aids digestion, opens your nasal passages and, even better, sends a feeling of euphoria straight to your brain.
12. Legumes: Provide glucose to fuel the brain, and the fiber they contain slows the absorption of glucose, helping to maintain stable levels of energy and support alertness and concentration overtime.
13. Pork: Loaded with vitamin B1, which protects myelin, a fatty substance that helps facilitate communication among cells.
14. Romaine lettuce: High in folate, a B vitamin important for memory and nerve cell health.
15. Spinach: Packed with iron, which is involved memory, concentration, and mental functioning.
16. Tuna: Full of omega-3 fatty acids, which help build and maintain myelin.
17. Yogurt: A probiotic food that has been found in many studies to boost mental alertness.

Of curse my yogurt is Greek, fat free, I only use organic omega 3 eggs and I either have fresh tuna or cans in only water, but my preference these days is salmon, otherwise the rest is all good to go!!!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Crush Your Cravings...
Ha Ha - watch your mouth - not just what you put in it but also what comes out of it!  New research from the Journal of Consumer Research shows that 80% of women who used the phrase “I don’t eat that” were able to resist foods not on their plan, while  10% who said “I can’t eat it” were successful in avoiding temptation.  It’s all about empowerment - what you say can either make you feel you are in control or make you feel deprived.  And the idea of missing out can get you into trouble, causing you to over eat later.  Could this possible be the last word on dieting?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Exercise Your Brain...
Up Your IQ
Forty minutes of vigorous activity (like running) a day for 3 months raised scores 3.8 points on average in a Georgia Health Sciences University study!
Think More Clearly
Thirty minutes of jogging can improve cognitive skills, like comprehension and attention, according to a study in the International Journal of Psychophysiology!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Not-So-Sweet Facts About Sugar...
Sweets have always been my enemy and that is why I tend to write about it so often!  I just need to remind myself more often than not!  In moderation and rarity, it is something that most people enjoy once in a while. But let's not 'sugar-coat' the reality of sugary foods' impact on our health…it is not beneficial.
Glycation of sugar to cells can lead to disruption of normal cellular functioning which may increase wrinkles, skin spots, inflammation of the skin, and acne. Beyond the effects on skin, glycation of excess sugar in the blood stream is disruptive to cellular metabolism and to organ functioning including that of nerves and increases inflammation even at the cellular level of our body.
When most people talk about sweets, they only focus on things like cakes, candies, and chocolate…but processed sugar as it negatively affects our body comes in the form of excess breads, noodles, rice, and even fruits. Many people when they find elevated fasting sugar levels in their blood work and/or elevated triglycerides are surprised to find that the source of their abnormal labs are from excess fruit in their diet.
Granted, fruit is much more nutritious than a piece of cake or processed cookies, but just keep in mind that you want to keep everything in moderation…and if you already have problems with processing sugar, it probably isn't a good idea to eat a lot of fruit everyday either. Instead, you should focus on eating more vegetables to get your phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals and keep your fruit intake to 1-2 small servings per day.
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be the scrooge who takes away all sweet things in your life, but just remember that excess sugar in your blood stream means more inflammation and cellular damage…it would definitely not be the best thing to have in your diet if your goal is for anti-inflammation and healthy aging.
I am a huge fan of fruit and some days I might eat more than I should but it is berry season and I can’t get enough of them!  I’d much rather have my fresh berries with the Greek fat free yogurt than buying the already processed Greek 0% with the gooey, sugary fruit on the bottom!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Back when Women Wanted to Get Fat:
Vintage Ads Push Weight Gain...
I thought this article was too interesting not to share!

Its bathing suit season again and…horrors…you are TOO SKINNY! Working in the media and looking at diet and exercise articles aimed at whittling your beach body every day, it's a jolt to see vintage ads promising popularity to women (and men) by adding pounds and inches. "Since I gained 10 pounds," reads one, "I have all the dates I want." Obesity rates started taking off around 1975, about the same time these ads dwindled. But it's not just that people went overboard with sugar and fat consumption and portion size so the media needed to push a thinner look. The perception of acceptable body size changed as well. Voluptuous gals like Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, and Raquel Welch flaunted their curves in clingy dresses and skimpy bathing suits. Now they would probably sweat it out in a tent dress. Too fat? Too thin? Too short? Too old? You can't win. There will always be an expensive product or procedure to "cure" some perceived flaw. If these ads teach us anything, its time to banish the body insecurity, don that bikini, and jump into the deep end. Summer's too short.

Friday, July 6, 2012

How many times have you heard this - The word 'diet' is negative and implies people can go on and off them!  It is so often true, I have seen this happen to so many people, myself included!  
What about “diet foods” -  how confusing can that be!  What diet is the 'diet food' geared for?  Is it low-calorie, low-fat, low-sodium, low-sugar, gluten-free, et cetera?  Besides, many of the foods that specifically target dieters seem to rarely satisfy. Take those 100-calorie snack packs, for example, made to help people control calories. Those often don't even work, after all, few people actually stop at only one pack.  It might be 100 calories, but don’t forget to look at the sugar and sodium included!  Than there is the point system - I feel these just don’t help you learn how to eat healthy!  
You don't need fancy plans or complicated point systems to be thin. All you need to do is make smart food choices, watch your portion sizes and stay active.  Learning to eat properly for a lifetime is more beneficial.  The emphasis should be on choosing healthful foods every day and changing lifestyles for the better. 
It’s never easy, but once you take the plunge, make the commitment it will get easier and become second nature!  So instead of sticking to diet fare, fill up on nutritious, wholesome foods. 
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

It's true that most veggies make for great diet fare. Non-starchy vegetables in particular, such as carrots, celery and spinach, are filled with fiber. Like other foods high in fiber, they can help keep you feeling satiated.  Plus, they're pretty self-regulating. You can't really overeat with non-starchy vegetables. After all, how many baby carrots can a person eat without needing to dunk them in some ranch dressing?

So while there are many veggies that can help you stay slim, tomatoes might be a particularly good option because they're so tasty. And, besides, with that whole a-tomato-is-a-vegetable-no-it's-a-fruit argument, you might have forgotten all about eating them. One cup of cooked, red tomatoes contains just 43 calories, but tastes just as delicious as any number of high-calorie foods.  There is nothing like a perfect, ripen tomato picked right off the vine.  Now, if our tomato plant, that has taken over our balcony would start producing tomatoes, I would be the happiest person in the world!

And that's at least half the secret, finding foods that are both healthy and tasty. The good thing is, they do exist. Over time, you'll discover what wholesome, filling foods you prefer, expanding your choices while shrinking your waistline. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th Of July....

I don't know where you live, but it is really HOT in Chicago.  It is a little cooler and breezier along the lake, but still not very comfortable.  Lot's of warnings about the heat index!  So be careful, take it down a notch and drink lots and lots of water!  I am going to go for a slow, short run so I don't feel guilty eating the wonderful dry rub ribs Bob is smoking and grilling today!

Be safe and be careful

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just a little reminder for your 4th of July gatherings,  most experienced dieters know the basics of navigating a cookout - fruit salad, yes; potato salad, no.  But even the most diligent calorie counter can overlook a slather of mayo here, a triple squirt of ketchup there.  People think that if they just have a dab of something and eat it standing up it doesn't count.  Ha ha regrettably, that's not the case and especially during bikini season, it's better to get your fill from what's inside the bun, not what's spread on it. The good news: You can add so much flavor to your food for practically no calories.  When in doubt - you basically can't blow it with mustard! There are plenty of zero-calorie varieties to choose from, and even honey mustard, with its marginal amount of sugar, has just five calories per teaspoon.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Paula Deen...
Sounds familiar!  Similiar to my story, only I started to clean up my act before I became type 2 diabetic and I didn’t have to do it infront of millions!  GO PAULA DEEN!  What an inspiration that change is good!  Things still taste great without sugar and butter!
Known for her high-calorie creations, Paula Deen was widely criticized earlier this year when she revealed that she has type 2 diabetes — and had been diagnosed with the disease three years earlier. Around the same time the Southern chef went public with her health crisis, she also landed an endorsement deal for a diabetes drug, so there was backlash about her motivation for speaking out in the first place. Six months later, Deen — who completely overhauled her diet — has dropped 30 pounds and is talking about how she lost the weight.
"I was surprised by the depth of hate," Deen, 65, said about the backlash to People. "This is not something I chose. I had been given lemons and I had to try to make lemonade — without sugar!"
Since January, the 5-foot-6 foodie has lost more than 30 pounds and has gone from a size 18 to a 10. "The architecture of my plate has changed," said Deen, who has daily injections to regulate her blood sugar. "I double up on greens — whether it's salad or vegetables — and my carbs are just a spoonful." Her shopping cart is now overflowing with broccoli, sweet potatoes, and fruit instead of regular potatoes (her weakness) and bread. Where she used to skip breakfast, she now has a smoothie. And a typical dessert for Deen is "a bowl of sugar-free ice cream with strawberries and blueberries on top."

Although she's changed her diet for the better, the Food Network host — who once instructed her viewers on how to make a burger topped with bacon and a fried egg on two doughnuts — still indulges. Once a week she allows herself to eat whatever she wants (think: a cheeseburger in a wrap). She also hasn't completely given up fried chicken; now she has it monthly instead of weekly.
Deen says incorporating exercise into her routine has been another factor in her weight loss. She walks 30 minutes a day but doesn't love it. "I heard that exercise is addictive," she said to People. "So far, it's not like cigarettes." Speaking of cigarettes, she still smokes but says quitting will be her next challenge.

Although her goal is to lose an additional 15 pounds, Deen already feels like a million bucks. "I feel a thousand times better," Deen told the magazine. "I have more energy. I sleep better. The weight loss has made my health issues better."