Monday, July 30, 2012

Get More Fiber in Your Diet...
For the average person, consuming enough fiber for the day is a challenge. Fiber not only helps our digestive system work well, but it also aids in weight loss and good overall health. So, what is the key to getting more fiber in your diet? The first step is to look at your current diet now, is it filled with fruits, vegetables and whole grains?
Most importantly is it filled with the recommended 25 grams of fiber a day? If not, here are a few things you can do to make sure you are eating enough fiber
Eat beans – Consuming beans and other types of legumes such as lentils will supply you with a good amount of fiber – often times up to 5-8 grams in one serving. Try to incorporate this into your daily meals and you should be well on your way to getting a good amount of fiber in.
Whole grains, whole grains – Fiber is easy to find if you are purchasing whole grains at the supermarket, make sure to check if there is at least 3-4 grams of fiber in the list and you will know you are purchasing the correct type of grains to consume.
Get Fruity – Fruits offer a good amount of fiber and they can replace a lot of unhealthy desserts. If you begin by replacing a piece of fruit such as an apple, banana or some strawberries you can begin to get a good amount of fiber into your diet while also enjoying some sweet natural treats.
Stock up on Veggies – One sure way to consume a good amount of fiber from vegetables is to start eating more of them at more meals throughout your day. Start off with putting some veggies in your lunch and dinner and then steadily move toward even including some in your breakfast – think omelettes with broccoli, spinach and maybe some mushrooms. By eating more vegetables you will be consuming more fiber.

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