Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Save Up and Slim Down...
Control Your Environment: You can't buy what you don't shop for, so why tempt your willpower by spending time at the mall? While you may not be able to avoid all restaurants or stores, you can make little adjustments to your daily routine to help cut back on excess calories and spending. One study found that just moving a bowl of candy from your desk to a shelf across the room can dramatically decrease your daily intake.  Controlling your environment is critical in controlling your behavior, and we often forget just how important small changes can be!
Take action: Pinpoint a few of your trigger locations (or foods) for excess spending or overeating and avoid them. It's straightforward, but it works! Have a friend that loves meeting for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory? Invite her over to try a new healthy recipe. You'll save calories and cash!

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