Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween…

I thought these were hysterical!  Another fun appetizer or snack, these 'fingers' are a delicious way to sneak in some nutrition while staying with the Halloween-theme. And at just 11 calories per finger, you can enjoy a few and still have plenty of room for a sweeter treat.
5 low-fat mozzarella cheese sticks
2 tablespoons low-fat cream cheese
½ green pepper or red pepper, sliced into 10 'fingernail' sized pieces
Directions: Slice mozzarella sticks in half. Take your knife and make slight wedges on the cheese, to look like the folds of your finger and knuckle. Dig about ¼ inch of cheese out at the top. Place ½ teaspoon cream cheese in the ¼ inch hole. Place 1 green pepper "nail" on top.
Makes 12 servings; Nutrition score per serving (1 'finger'): 11 calories, 0.5g fat (0.2g saturated fat), 1.5g carbohydrates, 49.2mg sodium, 0.5g sugar, 0.3g protein

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Abs Exercise: Walkout from Pushup Position...
Why it works: This abs exercise involves full-body movement, such as using the arms and legs, while incorporating resistance to strengthen your entire core.
How to do it:
A. Start in pushup position with hands two inches wider than your shoulders.
B. Walk hands out as far as possible, then walk back. Do 10-12 reps.
Make it harder: Lift one leg before you walk your hands out and back.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Junk Food Can You Miserable...

Botox before your time!  What’s bad for your waist is also bad for your face. Sugars, trans fats (used to extend the shelf life of some packaged foods), and starches can cause insulin to surge and trigger an  inflammatory response, the end product of which is called glycation. This speeds the aging process (gives you wrinkles) by deactivating the body’s own age-fighting antioxidants, making you more prone to sun damage and premature aging.  Watch out for the Halloween candy craze!

Monday, October 28, 2013

I Think This Says It All....

Friday, October 25, 2013

More on Apples...
I LOVE this season and I can’t get enough apples - my favorite is the Honeycrisp!  Crisp, comforting and delicious, apples have remarkable health benefits, fighting everything from dental problems to diabetes, heart disease, at least 8 types of cancer, and possibly even Alzheimer’s.
One of the latest discoveries is that eating at least 2 servings a week of whole fruit— particularly apples, blueberries, or grapes—trims risk for type 2 diabetes by up to 23 percent, compared to people who eat less than one serving per month, according.  Research is also reporting hat cutting out three servings of fruit juice and eating whole fruit instead would cut diabetes danger by 7 percent.
In fact, apples may be one of the best healing foods, but also carry a risk you should be aware of. Because apples are vulnerable to worms and other pests, conventionally grown fruit can be high in pesticides because it’s sprayed several times, consider either buying organic or washing the fruit thoroughly before eating.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sugar - Ingredient That Is Robbing You of Nutrients...

Aliases: Agave nectar, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, caramel, crystalline fructose, dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, honey, invert sugar, lactose, maltose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, syrup
Found in: Sodas, dessert items, candies, frozen fruits and vegetables with sauces or marinades, sauces, soups
Robs Your Body of: Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium
Vitamin C and glucose use the same transporters to get into cells, so they compete with one another. Our body wants to absorb a limited amount of fructose,  and when we consume more than that, the intestine rejects it and feeds gut bacteria, leading to bacteria overgrowth.  This extra bacteria tends to steal nutrients and damage intestinal cells, inhibiting absorption of calcium and magnesium.
Increased Health Risks Due to Nutrient Depletion: Weaker immune system and bones, poorer night's sleep, compromised cellular and nerve function, chronic inflammation.
Sugar is my downfall and the more thing like this I read, the less I eat!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Biggest Looser...
It’s back on and inspirational!  Too bad I am watching it on the couch!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

India: Their Curries Have Special Powers...

The spice turmeric is well known for giving Indian curries their yellow color and their slightly peppery taste. Turmeric has also been in the news lately because of research highlighting its fat-burning potential. A Tufts University study suggested that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, could inhibit the spread of fat tissue by inhibiting new blood vessel growth (called angiogenesis) necessary to build this type of tissue. Another research review by the University at Buffalo discussed evidence that curcumin may regulate lipid metabolism. Up to this point, these effects have been observed only in animals, and scientists have yet to track the effect on humans. In the meantime, turmeric has another benefit: This flavorful, complex-tasting spice can be a calorie-free alternative to oil, butter or salt.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Need an Instant Dose of Inspiration...
Take this quick, healthy-habit quiz.   Answering these questions often helps to boost motivation just enough to remind you of why you started the diet or any other habit you might be trying to maintain in the first place!
If I stop my diet, how will I look in six months or one year from now?
If I stop my diet, how will I feel in six months or one year from now?
If I stop my diet, what will my health be like?
If I stop my diet, how will my family
 and friends be affected?
I will on vacation - SO - Until Tuesday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Soldier Field 10 Miler Race...

I signed up for my favorite race,  May 24th, 2014.  It was an early registration, but always a good idea to know that I got in and I also saved twenty five dollars!  I need something to keep me motivated during the winter and I might even set a goal for myself!  It's never too early to start training!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vitamin D Supplements...
Most miracle “fat-burning supplements” are about as effective as an hour of Prancercizing. But if you want to take a pill to help promote fat loss, your best bet is a vitamin that you associate with the sun. Researchers from Canada found that people with higher levels of vitamin D also have lower levels of body fat. The connection isn't a coincidence. Vitamin D helps you feel fuller because, according to Australian researchers, it releases more leptin, a hormone essential to weight loss. It also helps you store less fat by decreasing parathyroid hormone, which makes you hold on to your love handles. Best of all, vitamin D literally burns more fat by reducing production of the stress hormone cortisol.

The fad-free truth: Buying supplements to help you lose weight is not the best use of your hard-earned money. Your foundation is a healthy diet and exercise. But some supplements can help fill nutritional gaps that will help your body function more efficiently. Supplementing with 2,000 to 3,000 IU of Vitamin D3 is a smart investment for your overall health and fat-loss goals.
I might have to start taking these - if I can find them in a chewable!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Why Is BPA Bad???
BPA is an endocrine-disrupting hormone—essentially it is a chemical that acts to disrupt our body’s normal hormonal function. It wreaks havoc in a variety of ways from acting like estrogen, blocking estrogen’s action, binding to thyroid receptors and thus impairing thyroid function, and more.
We don’t see any other food or ingredient in our food supply having these sorts of effects. Fortunately due to consumer outcry, BPA has been essentially eradicated from the plastics sold for use as water bottles and food containers. As of July 2012, however, the FDA has banned its use in baby bottles and sippy cups.
If BPA from food and water containers are no longer an issue, where are you getting exposed to BPA? Unfortunately six million tons of BPA are produced each year, so it is everywhere. It is used as a coating on receipts, although unless you are a legitimate shopaholic the transdermal transfer of BPA from receipts is most likely minimal. BPA is also found in dust around your house—yes, dust; that is how ubiquitous this toxin is in our environment. As a result, exposure via food is probably not the biggest source. But you still can minimize exposure and accumulation of BPA. 
Be smart about cans. BPA is to coat the inside of cans. Avoiding canned vegetables and opting for fresh or frozen shouldn’t be too hard of a switch. Buying dried beans instead of canned beans will not only reduce your exposure to BPA, but it is more cost effective and it makes controlling your sodium intake easier. When buying tomato products, look for those sold in glass jars whenever possible. While there are BPA-free cans for beans, they are much less common for tomato products, as the acidity of tomatoes makes the protective coating of BPA an important component to protect against the metal of the cans.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Dinner Last Night...
Wow!  I really am the luckiest girl in the world!  Bob made me the best dinner last night!  Seared to perfection wild caught tuna, over sauteed black kale, shitaki mushrooms, sweet corn off the cob, carrots, red bell pepper, garlic, onion and lots of ginger.  Better then anything I could get in a restaurant!  So happy I have leftovers for lunch today!  I should have taken a picture!  YAY - picture of my leftovers :)
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Immunity Boost...  

Eat more blueberries and red grapes!  Researchers found that both the resveratrol in red grapes and the pterostilbene in blueberries enhance immune function when combined with vitamin D. Great!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tidy Up to Tone Up...

If you’ve been putting off cleaning your house or apartment, perhaps this will motivate you: Eighty minutes of nonstop work—moving furniture to vacuum, cleaning corners (including ceiling crevices), scrubbing hard, you get the picture—will negate about 250 calories!  This might actually encourage me to give our place a deep cleanse!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Juice for Healthy Skin...
Fruit and vegetable juices, prepared in the right combinations, can help you to remove crud from your blood and tissues and restore alkalinity and balance to your system!  You see the benefits of this crud removal in younger looking skin and greater energy.  A great skin booster - cucumber.  Consisting of over 90-percent water, cucumbers are a naturally cooling and hydrating food,  Plus, they're rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and silica, which is believed to improve complexion and youthful radiance of your skin.

1 to 2 cucumbers
1 small piece apple (optional, for sweetness)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Veggie Colors...
Bright orange and deep-green veggies have a halo for their high levels of health-boosting antioxidants, but it turns out white produce has been unfairly ignored. A  study found that potatoes, cauliflowers, turnips, and onions are significant sources of potassium and magnesium, two essential nutrients that are essential for a healthy heart.  I am so into roasted cauliflower, I could eat it everyday!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fresh or Frozen...
Fresh fruits and veggies taste better -- especially when locally grown -- but frozen produce is by no means nutrient deficient. Plus, it won't rot in the fridge when your schedule gets crazy and dinner plans change.  Your favorite vegetable isn't always in season, but it's always ready in your freezer. Some veggies even have higher concentrations of nutrients when frozen: Researchers at found that frozen spinach retains its nutrients more effectively than fresh spinach does!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!  

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Salads can be an excellent option, but it's ridiculously easy to morph this healthy meal into a dietary disaster.  Fixings like cheese, olives, avocado, nuts, and dried fruit really can pile on the calories. Try sticking to just one of the above and adding just a sprinkle of another. I love my avocados!  Dressings can also quickly sabotage a salad - and not just by the shocking amount of calories they can contain.  Salad dressings can also have a lot of additives and added sugar, so use a plain olive oil and vinegar dressing at home, or if out, ask for it on the side. At home I make my own oil free vinaigrette and when I am out I order a plate of lemons!  Make sure to add a protein and you will be full and satisfied!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


OK - I have to admit this, I haven’t been running much lately!  Kind of disappointing, I do have an excuse, not a great one but legitimate!  Summer is behind us and now it is dark in the morning and I am having a hard time getting motivated to get on the  treadmill.  It is perfect running weather outside and I just don’t want to be indoors - YET!  At least I still have the weekends for the outdoor running high.  Doesn't our cat Shmooh look comfortable?  Get moving Deborah!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Surprising Benefit of Broccoli...

Fight Arthritis with Broccoli - We love that broccoli is delicious and packed with both vitamins and fiber, and now there's even more to love. Results of a new study suggest that compounds in broccoli could combat inflammation, and trials show this could help prevent osteoarthritis.