Thursday, October 3, 2013


Salads can be an excellent option, but it's ridiculously easy to morph this healthy meal into a dietary disaster.  Fixings like cheese, olives, avocado, nuts, and dried fruit really can pile on the calories. Try sticking to just one of the above and adding just a sprinkle of another. I love my avocados!  Dressings can also quickly sabotage a salad - and not just by the shocking amount of calories they can contain.  Salad dressings can also have a lot of additives and added sugar, so use a plain olive oil and vinegar dressing at home, or if out, ask for it on the side. At home I make my own oil free vinaigrette and when I am out I order a plate of lemons!  Make sure to add a protein and you will be full and satisfied!

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