Friday, December 13, 2013

Myth: You Can Make Up For a Lack of Sleep During the Week by Sleeping Late on the Weekends…

With the Holiday festivities, sleep seems to be something I just don’t seem to get enough of!  I really found this myth interesting and something I have often set out to do on the weekends!

Fact: If you're grouchy and crabby from skimping on sleep all week, and then sleep a couple extra hours Saturday morning, you'll find the short-term effects of sleep deprivation vanish pretty quickly.  But the long-term impact is still likely dangerous. The problem [with counting on catching up on sleep] is thinking there's not a consequence of not getting enough sleep all week.  There are consequences of even one night of not getting enough sleep!
Plus, if you sleep in too late on the weekends, you're setting yourself up for trouble falling asleep Sunday night. Then, when the alarm goes off Monday morning, you'll find yourself starting the cycle all over again!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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