Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Legs and Butt...

I like easy and I like not having to get on the floor!  I know your stability/balance ball is out because you are using it!  Here is a new exercise…

Lie face down with your hips centered on a stability ball and hands on the ground in front of you, elbows slightly bent. Bend knees and press soles of feet together.

Lift legs until thighs are parallel to the ground. Lower legs and repeat.

Thank you Shape Magazine for another good one!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Fasting helps rid the body of toxins.
A fast may give you the perception of “cleaning out” your body’s impurities but there is no scientific evidence that this is true. Our bodies are pretty self-sufficient.  We have out own “detox” system that filters out harmful products on a daily basis.  You don’t need to deprive your body of food to make this happen.

Nor will fasting keep weight off.  The promise of losing “8 pounds overnight” may be alluring, but this is water weight, not fat, and it likely will be regained just as quickly.  Remember:  easy off, easy on.  Plus, long-term fasting could be risky!  The best “detox” is to drink plenty of water!!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

A little hint…

Focus on what you can eat, not on what you shouldn’t!  Any weight-loss plan that leaves you with hunger pangs or fixated on the foods you shouldn’t have will leave you more apt to binge or lose steam.  So skip the woe-is-me attitude; by concentrating on the positive!  You are becoming so much healthier and looking and feeling better then ever! The healthy choices you are making are so habit forming and such a second nature that you really don’t have to think too much about them!  We all have our “moments”, but by planning ahead for the occasional treat, you will have a better shot at achieving your goal!  As I have said many times, keep focused on your next meal, and make sure it is a healthy choice and do an extra 15 minutes on the treadmill!  Stay FOCUSED!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Help!  My job is making me fat…

Crazy hours, business travel, and work dinners are a few reasons the job can help put on the weight!  I have the restaurant company’s test kitchen/lab right down the hall! I have been able to work around some long hours, travel or dinners out by simply planning ahead.  Not that it has been an easy road, but I feel like I have those areas covered and more under control!  There are just those days when my will power is non-existent and just flies out the door!

OK, so we all know that sweets are my downfall!  Last week we had some guest chef’s in and they were making the most unbelievable coffee cakes, coconut and chocolate patties and cookie bars!  OK, I did some sampling and maybe at times it was more then sampling and I was a bit out of control and of course that sugar rush made me goofy, that’s probably why I went for more!  I try and have some fruit and healthier snacks at my desk so that this scenario doesn’t happen too often!  So, I didn’t beat myself up too bad and just thought ahead about my next meal and made sure it was a healthy one!  Remember – meal to meal and don’t keep your downfalls at home!

Until Monday (do as I say not as I do) – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beauty tip…

I know this has nothing to do with eating healthy, but I just have to share this!  Now that you are shedding the pounds, summer is here and you want your skin to look just as refreshing as you are feeling!  There is nothing like going to the spa for a message and a full body scrub – it is an indulgence and a splurge that I try and do every SPRING!

But in the meantime, I found an article on Epson salts and some star power behind it!  Heidi Klum and Kim Kardashian endorse it!  To remove dead surface skin cells, potentially lesson the appearance of cellulite and reveal silky smooth skin, mix two cups of Epsom salt with one-quarter cup of petroleum jelly and a few drops of lavender essential oil.  Use this mixture to gently slough away dry patches, especially on elbows and feet.  Don’t be surprised if your favorite upscale spa uses the same concoction!  There are plenty of other scrub recipes out there!  I have seen Brown sugar scrubs, oatmeal scrubs and sea salt scrubs!  I will stick to my three-dollar box of Epson salts!  I also use Epsom salts in my bath for relaxing my muscles and drawing toxins from my body after a long run!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Double up…

Save some time and double up on some of your exercises!  I work my quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings when I do my squats, at the same time I work with my 6lbs medicine ball, and do the bicep curls working the biceps of course!

It is also easy double up on the treadmill while you are cooling down and in walk mode!  I keep a set of weight on hand and work my triceps, biceps and deltoids!

Time is of the essence for all of us so have those weights close at hand and try to double up without losing your form!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


OK – I know all of you who read my blog know that mayo is out!  It no longer exists in my food vocabulary!  The fat free Greek yogurt has taken its place.  So here are a few things you can do with that bottle of mayo to get it out of your existence.

Condition your hair by massaging it into your hair and scalp.  Cover your head with a shower cap, wait a few minutes, and shampoo.

Relieve sunburn pain by slathering mayo over the affected areas.

Clean piano keys with a little mayo applied with a soft cloth.  Wait a few minutes, wipe with a damp cloth and buff.

Remove bumper stickers by rubbing some mayo over them.  Let it sit for a while and wipe it off.  It will also remove tar and pine sap.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What’s the BEEF!!!

Beef sure gets a bad rap:  beef is full of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, so people who care about their hearts should avoid it.

The good truth: lean cuts of beef are a low-fat source of protein and iron, a mineral essential for getting oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body.  There are many lean cuts of steaks:  filet mignon, sirloin, strip steak and flank steak.  When in doubt, pick steaks that are deep red with relatively small amounts of marbling (a fancy name for fat). 

When we have some extra money from our grocery budget we will splurge on a bison/buffalo filet to get that added omega 3!  Don’t forget, it’s not the beef itself, it is the way it is prepared!  Grilled with a hint of salt and pepper is the way to go!  You want to keep the integrity of the fabulous taste of a great piece of meat!

Sunday our standard dinner has been grilled steak over romaine lettuce and whatever is left in the refrigerator for grilling and chopping.  A fabulous bottle of red wine puts a very pleasant end to one week and off to a good start for the next!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Eating out dilemmas…

It’s not easy when you are watching what you eat!
One of my most valuable lessons I have learned was to check out menus online ahead of time. Even if the restaurants don't have nutritionals posted, you can usually find out what's on the menu before you get there. Then at least you will be prepared for what to expect and can make the best choices.  When in doubt, you can always call the restaurant in advance to see exactly how some foods are prepared and any additional questions about the menu!  In this day and age any restaurant manager will be happy to answer your questions, they want to help make your experience a memorable one!  It also helps cut back on a lot of menu reading time at the restaurant, when what you really want to do is be engaged in conversations with your companions! 

The only snag in this process is when the server announces the “specials”.  Always a hard decision to make and sometimes not the wisest!  All your advanced investigating and knowledge right out the window!  I will admit that my downfalls will always be, foie gras, sweetbreads and bone marrow, no matter how they are prepared!!!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interesting veggie myths…

Myth: Fresh vegetables are more nutritious than frozen

Fact: Studies show that sometimes you can get more nutrients from frozen veggies, depending on variety and how old the vegetables at your supermarket are. That's because produce starts losing nutrient quality as soon as it's picked.

Frozen vegetables are flash-frozen right after harvest so they are preserved at their peak of freshness when they are most nutritious. Your best bet in terms of taste, nutrition, and the environment is still local in-season produce.  When that's not an option frozen can be a better choice (from a nutrient standpoint) than spinach that takes two weeks to reach your table.   

Myth: Cooked veggies are less nutritious than raw

Fact: It depends on the vegetable. "Cooking destroys some nutrients, but it releases others," says Marion Nestle, author of What to Eat. It destroys vitamin C and folic acid, according to Nestle, which is why it's not a great idea to cook oranges.

On the other hand, she says, cooking releases vitamin A and the nutrients in fiber and makes them easier to digest. It's also easier for your body to absorb more lycopene, a cancer-fighting antioxidant, in cooked tomato sauce than from raw tomatoes.

Steam or roast veggies instead of boiling, which leaches out water-soluble vitamins into the cooking water.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

POSSIBLE OR IMPROBABLE? Your workouts could be triggering your weight gain.

Possible! We're NOT saying you should avoid exercise in order to lose weight. (Sorry, lazy people!) But the truth is this: Research shows that people grossly overestimate how many calories they burn during exercise. Not only that, but physical activity often makes people hungry. And since we tend to think we've burned more calories than we really have, we can end up consuming MORE calories than we've burned. Remember, it all comes down to calories consumed versus calories burned. So don't use a workout as an excuse to pig out. Be realistic about how many calories you are really burning while exercising. Use the data provided on cardio machines (don't forget to enter your weight, age, etc., and no fudging the numbers!) or check out online resources (like Fitness Partner) to get a good idea of the effect your workout is actually having on your calorie balance. Then you can make adjustments to make sure your workouts help you achieve your goals.

I had to really learn this the hard way!  I mentioned in the past how I trained for the marathon and ate just about everything and anything!  At that time I was burning a lot of fuel!  Low and behold, after the marathon, I kept eating like I was still training and not counting the calories or my mileage, OOPS, the pounds accumulated really fast! You have to rely on everything to keep a healthy, new lifestyle!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sorry Sushi Lovers…

One would think that this is a waistline-friendly food!  That’s what I used to think! Besides the sodium, you have the white rice and sauces to contend with!  Did you know that some of the “oversized specialty rolls”; may incorporate fried fish, mayo-based sauces, and even cheese?  One shrimp tempura roll, for example, packs 540 calories – the equivalent of a quarter-pound burger! 

OK, you can always have just sashimi, the fresh fish without the rice, without the soy sauce and just a hint of wasabi, but will that really fill you up and satisfy you!  Not me!!!  I might find myself ordering sashimi as an appetizer, just to satisfy a sushi craving!  I remember those days when we would go out for sushi and just have the miso soup (usually included), the sushi and of course the sake! I would feel bloated for days!!  Even in moderation, sushi is no longer an option for me!  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE fish!  I will eat fish as often as I am able to and prepared in so many different ways, it could never become boring! Lately I prefer my raw fish more in a ceviche friendly recipe (see May 10th blog)!  Again, I apologize to my sushi lover friends and again, it is just one of those items that no longer turn me on!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


There is nothing like the sweet smell of fresh basil - one of the most recognized fragrances of summer. Basil has become one of the most popular herbs in the garden today.  I am so glad to have it growing on our patio once again!  We did find our winter solution in the DOROT frozen herbs, (see March 2nd blog) but still, nothing beats the fresh basil picked right from your own garden!  We use it in just about every summer dish imaginable, from salads, to vinaigrettes, to garnishes.  This summer instead of making loads of the popular pesto sauce, which is very high in calories, we plan on freezing our basil in cubes to last us throughout the year!

I think I will roast some leaves so we have some crisp basil chips as a garnish on our salad tonight!

Friday, June 11, 2010

YAY OR NAY? Simply slowing down your eating can speed up your weight loss.

Yay! It may sound like a gimmick, yet it's anything but. A study out of Japan, published in the British Medical Journal, evaluated the eating habits of more than 3,000 people over a total of three years. The conclusion? Those who ate quickly were way more likely to be overweight. Your body needs time to digest and tell your brain it's feeling full. So take smaller bites and chew carefully. Enjoy your food -- don't just shovel it in your face. Drink water in between forkfuls, and set your fork down while you sip. This will slow down your chewing pace and help you feel full as well. The result? You'll eat less and take in fewer calories!

I still have to keep reminding myself to SLOW DOWN and drink more water!!!
Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I like to refer to the tomatillos as the sassy, tangy green tomato!  This little fruit is where you get the flavor for the green salsas.  Of course Bob makes the best tomatillo sauce EVER!!!

First you need to remove the husk around the fruit.  Pan-broil the tomatillos with 1/4 sectioned of an onion, Serrano or jalapeno peppers (depending how spicy you want it), and whole peeled gloves of garlic.  Roast everything until they are nice and brown, almost charred.  When cooled, place all ingredients in a blender, add some cilantro, salt and pepper to taste, and 2 tablespoons of vinegar, lemon or lime juice, or just a little of each.  If too thick, just add some water.

I say make a lot of it and freeze it in ice cube trays!  You will always have it handy for dressings, marinades and of course – Salsa!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Work your core…

OK – I still have some love handles that I am trying to tone up!  I am going to give the seated chop a try and that means getting on the floor!

Get your 6-pound medicine ball ready.  Sit with knees bent and heels on the ground.  Hold the ball outside left hip, arms extended and torso rotated to the left, and lean back until you feel the abs engage.  Turn torso to the right as you raise ball at a diagonal to the right.  Twist to the left as you lower the ball and repeat.  Switch sides to complete set. 

When you get comfortable with that, try the roll-up twist!  Lie face up and hold the ball behind your head.  Bring arms forward as you bend knees and sit up halfway.  Turn torso to the right, reaching ball outside right hip, then twist to the left.  Return to center and lower to starting position.  Repeat and switch sides!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Reason to season…

When you hear the word "antioxidants," what foods come to mind? Blueberries? Pomegranates? How about cinnamon, ginger, oregano, red pepper, rosemary, thyme and yellow curry?

Spices and herbs make food taste great. You already know that. And you're probably aware of how they can help you eat healthier by cutting down on salt, fat and sugar when cooking. Now there's emerging evidence that these kitchen essentials may help protect your health. With each pinch, dash and spoonful, spices and herbs can help boost the antioxidant power of practically everything on your plate.

So what exactly are these things called antioxidants and why should you care? Antioxidants are extraordinary workhorses in our bodies. Studies suggest they provide a range of benefits, including giving our immune system a boost. They also appear to reduce inflammation, which is increasingly recognized as a first step in heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other chronic disease.

Preliminary studies indicate that spices and herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that may hold tremendous potential in promoting good health. Other studies suggest spices and herbs may help curb your hunger and boost your metabolism – which might make it easier for you to manage your weight.

As I have said before and I will keep saying it from time to time – go to your neighborhood spice shop, walk in and the aroma will put you in a happy place and the options are endless!  There are also a lot of web sites to look at which is always helpful, but unfortunately you don’t get the aroma effect!

Monday, June 7, 2010


The perfect treat to stash in your freezer at home and the office! In the perfect world we have fruits and vegetables at every single meal to get the recommended nine servings daily. Everyday, about 3pm I need an afternoon snack and I always try and have some carrots on hand, a snack pack of almonds, a piece of fruit! I can always count on that frozen bag of edameme I keep stashed! You can take out a 1/2 a cup and just let it defrost at your desk for a few minutes! Pop the seeds out of the pods and you have a tasty, healthy protein energy boost! I also use edamame in a lot of my dishes, sprinkled over a salad, added in any vegetable dish and I sometimes will substitute edamame for peas!

Edamame Nutrition Information:
The beans are rich in dietary fiber and protein. They contain the full profile of amino acids to be considered a complete protein. Soy has long been a mainstay in vegetarian diets. A serving provides daily requirement for folate. The seeds also contain phytoestrogens.
Serving Size 1/2 cup
Amount per serving
Calories 100 Calories from Fat 25
Hide Daily Values % Daily Value*
Total Fat 3g 5%
Saturated Fat 0g 0%
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 260mg 11%
Total Carbohydrates 9g 3%
Dietary Fiber 4g
Sugars 1g
Protein 8g
Vitamin A 9% Vitamin C 9%
Calcium 5% Iron 9%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Friday, June 4, 2010

OOPS! I forgot our other Memorial Day, summertime treat…

What would summer be without grilling some corn on the cob!  I don’t eat it that often but it is another dish that signifies summer!  Guess what – it tastes great without the butter!!!!  Bob and I used to clarify butter and BRUSH it on so every morsel of corn would be saturated!  Now, just grilled to perfection with maybe some cracked pepper, I am good to go!

Corn is nutritious and healthy. It also has Vitamins A, C, E and K. That's an impressive list of nutrients.

It's rich in folate, which lowers the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid. Homocysteine is an intermediate product in a metabolic process known as the methylation cycle. Homocysteine can damage blood vessels which can lead to heart disease.

It's rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid found in the highest quantities in corn, papaya, tangerines, red bell peppers, oranges, pumpkins, and peaches. The carotenoid may notably lower the risk of lung cancer.

1 ear of this veggie supplies fifteen percent of the daily value of pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid is used by mitochondria to change complex carbs into glucose which supplies energy. The beta-carotene contained in this veggie boost supplies of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to your cells and helps prevent fatigue.

Nutritional Benefits of Corn:
Corn (sweet, yellow, raw), 1 medium ear Calories: 77
Protein: 2.9g
Carbohydrate: 17g
Total Fat: 1g
Fiber: 2.4g
Sugars: 3g

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stuffed Poblano Chile Peppers or a Labor of Love…

Years ago Bob perfected one of my favorite dishes – the Chiles Rellenos!  Oh, the dinner parties we used to have!  We brainstormed and came up with a much healthier version and OMG they were divine!  It truly was a labor of love!  THANK YOU MY MASTER CHEF BOB!

Bob soaked a mixture of dry beans overnight; pinto, black , garbanzo, red kidney beans and pigeon peas.  Then he cooked them in water with dried guajillo chile peppers, (or a commercially available chile powder), onions, and garlic and chipotle pepper powder.

Then he made his secret homemade chile sauce, all from scratch and I can’t even begin to tell you how he does it!  All I know is that it starts with a variety of dried chiles!

The stuffing was sautéed onion, garlic (with EVOO spray) and serrano peppers.  2 cups of cooked red quinoa, 2 shredded poached chicken breasts, mashed up a cup of the cooked beans and mixed it all together with the chile sauce.

Now for the peppers!  Roast the poblanos until the skin blisters, rest, then peel the skin, split them and take out the seeds, leaving the stem in place.

Stuff the peppers and place them in a baking dish, spoon over some of the extra chile sauce over the peppers, sprinkle just a hint queso cotija cheese and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes covered and then another 15 minutes uncovered.

All ready to serve.  I love Bob’s homemade tomatilla sauce on the side.  That again is a whole other recipe!  This has now satisfied my cravings for the chiles rellenos!  No more deep-frying and no more cheese fillings!

Bon Apetite!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yes, if that’s what it takes to get you off your butt!!!

OK, I am spoiled! I have Chicago’s beautiful Lakefront right outside my door!  In the spring, summer and fall, as long as it is light outside in the morning I can run, walk and bike.  Years ago we did make the investment of a treadmill and a stationary bike!  There is nothing like waking up in the winter, or a rainy day when I really need to work out, and am able to just roll out of bed and basically workout in my PJ’s!  I got my weights, balance ball and I am ready for my strength training!  What else do I need!  OOPS!  Still waiting for my buso ball!

All I can say is, just get in a routine, make a commitment and stick to it as much as possible!  Results will start showing in no time and you will start too just feel great and look great!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day…

Maybe not the very healthiest of choices, but so perfect for a holiday weekend!  OK, ribs aren’t the leanest meat, but here is our version:
Bob dry rubbed the ribs with his magical sense of spices and let them marinade overnight! I smoked them in our Cameron’s stovetop smoker with mesquite wood chips and Bob finished them off by slow cooking them on the grill! 

We had broccoli slaw as our side dish.  How easy to get a bag of Trader Joe’s broccoli slaw, add some carrots, green onions, jalapenos, a squeeze of lime, rice wine vinegar, salt and pepper to taste and to add some pizzazz, get out some wasabi (you can find it in a tube)!

A nice bottle of red wine and what a great BBQ! 

Memorial day signifies the start of summer to me even though the official date isn’t until June!  There is no city like Chicago in the summer!!!