Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yes, if that’s what it takes to get you off your butt!!!

OK, I am spoiled! I have Chicago’s beautiful Lakefront right outside my door!  In the spring, summer and fall, as long as it is light outside in the morning I can run, walk and bike.  Years ago we did make the investment of a treadmill and a stationary bike!  There is nothing like waking up in the winter, or a rainy day when I really need to work out, and am able to just roll out of bed and basically workout in my PJ’s!  I got my weights, balance ball and I am ready for my strength training!  What else do I need!  OOPS!  Still waiting for my buso ball!

All I can say is, just get in a routine, make a commitment and stick to it as much as possible!  Results will start showing in no time and you will start too just feel great and look great!

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