Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sorry Sushi Lovers…

One would think that this is a waistline-friendly food!  That’s what I used to think! Besides the sodium, you have the white rice and sauces to contend with!  Did you know that some of the “oversized specialty rolls”; may incorporate fried fish, mayo-based sauces, and even cheese?  One shrimp tempura roll, for example, packs 540 calories – the equivalent of a quarter-pound burger! 

OK, you can always have just sashimi, the fresh fish without the rice, without the soy sauce and just a hint of wasabi, but will that really fill you up and satisfy you!  Not me!!!  I might find myself ordering sashimi as an appetizer, just to satisfy a sushi craving!  I remember those days when we would go out for sushi and just have the miso soup (usually included), the sushi and of course the sake! I would feel bloated for days!!  Even in moderation, sushi is no longer an option for me!  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE fish!  I will eat fish as often as I am able to and prepared in so many different ways, it could never become boring! Lately I prefer my raw fish more in a ceviche friendly recipe (see May 10th blog)!  Again, I apologize to my sushi lover friends and again, it is just one of those items that no longer turn me on!!!

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