Thursday, May 31, 2012

Botox Before Your Time...
What’s bad for your waist is also bad for your face. Just another reason to lay off the junk food! Sugars, trans fats (used to extend the shelf life of some packaged foods), and starches can cause insulin to surge and trigger an inflammatory response, the end product of which is called glycation. This speeds the aging process (gives you wrinkles) by deactivating the body’s own age-fighting antioxidants, making you more prone to sun damage and premature aging.  I don’t know about you, but I still get scared at the idea or even the sight of needles!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lighten Up...
Black may be your go-to workout hue, but it can hamper your performance!  Dark colored duds absorb the sun’s rays, causing them, and your skin, to get warmer.  Stick with lighter colors, wear a tank top and stick with shorts or skorts (my preference) made with a fabric that wicks away the moisture! 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Corner the Market...
The farmers markets are back in full force - Yippee!  Just a few hints I have learned along the way.  Shop early for the best selections or shop later for some savings!  Have a taste, plenty of the vendors hand out samples to encourage you to test their bounty.  Try new things - sellers are usually happy to suggest ways to cook with their crops.  We have become familiar with some of our favorite vendors and love trying new things.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day...
Memorial Day is a time to honor the brave troops who've given their lives in service to the USA over the years. It's also the unofficial start to summer - an ideal occasion for a cookout with friends. Just remember to watch some of the calories you might want to endure!  Anything grilled is the safest bet!  I know I can easily do a burger without the bun and watch the condiment choices.  Be very careful around the mayo based salads and I bet there will be watermelon or some fruit somewhere in the picture!  I know that is what I would be serving!  Drink lot’s of water and SIP on a beer or a glass of wine - watch out for those sugary high calorie drinks.  YOU CAN DO IT!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Memorial weekend is upon us!  I know there is going to be watermelon somewhere in the picture, what a way to kick off the summer and remember this...
As the saying goes, we are what we eat!  Now this can work to your advantage or disadvantage, depending on the foods and beverages you choose to indulge in. What you put on your plate has power to improve your skin.
Though it may sound counterintuitive, the high concentration of water in watermelon can actually reduce the water retention that leads to puffiness around the eyes. And because watermelon is low in sugar (as compared to many other fruits), you don’t have to worry about glycation, the chemical reaction that compromises collagen and leads to lines and wrinkles.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cracking Eggs...

Crack eggs on a flat surface instead of on the rim of a bowl - the bowl actually causes more of the shell to shatter, leaving you with more shards in your food.  I just learned about this and it really is so much better!  I for one used to crack eggs on the rim of the saute pan and egg would than drip onto the cooking surface!  Yuk!  More clean up!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Small Changes, Big Results...
Daunted by the thought of making big better-for-you changes? Don't be. Research shows that even minor improvements can make a huge impact. For example, if you're intimidated by weight lifting, you'll be happy to know that a recent study found lifting light weights can be just as effective at building muscle as lifting the heavy stuff; as long as you work your muscles until fatigued, the amount of pounds doesn't matter. And when it comes to childhood obesity, every calorie counts. New research suggests that reducing the average calorie intake among children and teens by just 41 calories per day could end the steady increase in weight among American youth. We're guessing it wouldn't take a much bigger cut to turn around the adult obesity trend. And if you're the type who thinks calorie burning means a major workout, good news: Results of a  new study show that walking in place during commercial breaks can torch a considerable amount of calories and help establish healthy habits. So lift a light weight, cut a few dozen calories, get up off the couch... Just do SOMETHING!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anti-Inflammatory Spice...

Try: Turmeric. Turmeric contains a powerful anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. (In fact, turmeric is sometimes simply called curcumin.) This deep yellow-gold spice has a smoky, peppery flavor and is used in curries and mustard. "It's such a powerful anti-inflammatory, it's one of the spices I recommend eating every day," says integrative nutritionist Beth Reardon, director of nutrition at Duke Integrative Medicine, part of the Duke University Health System, who adds it to almond milk with cinnamon and a touch of honey.

Other examples: Garlic, ginger, cinnamon, tart cherry, curry, rosemary. (Dried tart cherries, while not technically a spice or herb, are another antioxidant-superstar way to "spice up" other foods.)
Why: Several studies have shown an anti-inflammatory effect of turmeric on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. These spices and herbs help inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins and COX inhibitors (the same enzyme-inhibiting substances in medications such as Vioxx or Celebrex.  I think I might have to find a way to incorporate this spice into EVERYTHING!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

It’s getting warmer out and I am doing longer runs, hydrating is so important and I can’t talk about it enough!
Our bodies are made up of 60 percent water and every system in the body depends on water to function. Water rids the body of toxins, carries nutrients to cells, and prevents dehydration.
However, it is possible to get a decent amount of our water intake from the foods that we eat. In fact, the Institute of Medicine estimates that 80 percent of our water intake comes from beverages while 20 percent comes from food.
Eating foods high in water content can provide the added bonus of fiber, electrolytes and vitamins. This is great news for active athletes, because with food they can replace not only lost water, but also electrolytes that allow for better performance.
Some of my favorite hydrating foods to quench your thirst and replace electrolytes include:
Celery: 96 percent water and provides sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc
Watermelon: 95 percent water and rich in vitamin C
Bell Peppers: 92 percent water and rich in vitamin C
Cucumbers: 95 percent water and provides calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium
Strawberries: 92 percent water and rich in potassium
Cantaloupe: 90 percent water and rich in potassium

Friday, May 18, 2012

Have a Spice Day...

Recently, the news headlines have been peppered (ha ha) with emerging research about the possible health benefits of certain spices. Black pepper, for example, contains the component piperine. A recent study found that piperine can help block the formation of new fat cells. YES! And everyone's buzzing about garlic, since new findings indicate a compound in garlic is 100 times more effective than a couple of popular antibiotics when it comes to fighting a common food-borne illness. While eating more garlic won't necessarily prevent food poisoning, experts predict it could be used in treating meats and food-prep surfaces. YEAH!  And for the hungry boys out there, a new study out of Long Island University has found a link between oregano consumption and the treatment of prostate cancer -- the carvacrol in oregano induced cell death in the cancer cells. Herb's the word!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I just found these 2 new myths I thought I would share!
You can spot-reduce to lose weight...
Fact: On the contrary, the way to achieve sleeker legs or a flatter stomach, if that's where you're carrying your body fat, is to increase your lean muscle tissue throughout your body. By working all your muscles, you increase your metabolism. Up your metabolism and watch your eating, and you'll start looking the way you want to. 
Your genes determine your metabolism and body weight...
Fact: Only 25 percent of your body weight is determined by your genes - the rest is the result of your behavior. At any time in life, you can drastically change your body weight by combining low-calorie eating and exercise. And you can increase your metabolism at any age by performing strength and resistance exercises. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I Need to Find a Race....
I knew I couldn’t get the proper training into do the Soldier Field 10 miler this year, but I need some serious motivation!  It is finally light enough outside and warm enough!  I am doing a good job keeping with my workout routine - I just need something to look forward to and really start getting in some distance with my running! I will keep you posted!
Photo from 2011 Soldier Field - and I want to keep looking that good :) 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wow - I wish I read this before Easter!  You might not eat another jelly bean after reading this!
Watch out candy lovers, cover your eyes: pretty, shiny treats like jelly beans come at a price. They're often coated with shellac, a sticky substance derived from secretions of the female Kerria lacca, an insect native to Thailand. 
Where you’ll find it: Shellac makes jelly beans, candy corn, and other hard-coated candy look shiny. It may be called a “confectioner’s glaze” on the packaging. So sweet, and yet so sick and kind of gross! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Now That I have Been Maintaining My Goal Weight...
It is almost 3 years since I took the plunge into a healthier life style!  I have enjoy the support and encouragement along the way. While I was losing weight, I felt like everyone was cheering me on. Now I feel like at best, they’ve lost interest; at worst, they’re waiting for me to fail and gain it all back. New people I meet assume I can eat whatever I want and don’t think I need any cheering on, but the truth is, I have just as many moments of  - I’d rather have slept in then work out or and oh my god why did I think i could eat that and not pay the consequence! 
I remember how frustrated I often felt when I was trying to lose weight, so I am happy that I finally hit my goal. That said, it is still a daily challenge!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Just because a food is healthy doesn’t mean you can eat a mountain of it. 
Switching from white bread to whole wheat bread, eating nuts instead of chips, using olive oil instead of butter —these are all healthy changes. But they aren’t low-calorie substitutions, so portion control is still key.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Power Bars...
We admit that prepackaged weight-loss products like shakes and bars are convenient, but they may not be helping you to lose weight in the long run. 
You never feel satisfied after you eat something like that, because it’s just a bunch of processed stuff. 
There are lots of healthier, more filling options with the same or fewer calories, like a cheese stick, fresh fruit or a serving of plain nonfat Greek yogurt with fresh berries.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mae West, who once lugged her exercise bike into an interview, had a lifelong love of fitness and went for daily bike rides into her 80s.
As for food, West was an early believer in coconut oil—but not to eat. She swore that spreading it on her face was the secret to youthful skin. And while she wasn't a huge fan of weight lifting herself (that we know of), she certainly encouraged the sport by casting dozens of hunky bodybuilders in her Vegas shows.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eating an Early Dinner...
Popular wisdom says not to eat in the evenings, but that may not make sense unless you turn in extra early. 
People eat at 6:00 and stay up until 11:00 or midnight, so their bodies are naturally asking for fuel again. People should aim to eat 70% of their calories before dinner and 30% at dinner, but it doesn’t matter how late dinner is. Healthy eating in the evening can prevent a late-night binge on ice cream or cookies.  
I guess I am kind of lucky - I do eat around 6pm just about every evening and I end up falling asleep around 10pm, all I need is my desert which usually consists of fresh or frozen berries and the Greek 0% yogurt

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Better Way to Try Quick Weight-Loss Strategies...
If you want to lose weight, there’s nothing more motivating than seeing fast results. With warmer weather on the horizon, trying a quick-fix diet certainly is tempting, and many speedy weight-loss solutions are popular for a reason; you get the immediate satisfaction of a seeing a lighter load on the scale (and of course a looser waistband). But strategies like juice fasts, skipping meals, and cutting way back on calories aren’t sustainable in the long term, so any weight loss is likely to come back once you return to your normal eating patterns.
Here is an great ideas for the "juice fast" that is  safer and you can still lose the weight you want!
Swap one meal for juice or smoothie instead: Use a blender that retains the entire fruit and/or vegetable in the liquid (like a Vitamix that retains the pulp). That way, you get the full benefit of dietary fiber—both the soluble and insoluble portions.   OR -this is more my style - skip the juice and instead try a 'fruit and veg binge.' Make most of your meals and snacks whole fruit and veggies with small amounts of protein and whole grains on the side.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekend Wrecker...
The Holiday Mentality:  Routine helps because your stomach gets used to being fed at certain times and you are more likely to stick to your chosen foods because it is simply easier!  On days off, a break in routine can be a pitfall.  We tend to treat weekends like Holidays, but the culprit is, they come 52 times a year, not just once!
Damage Control:  Sticking to your Monday-to-Friday routine is the sensible solution, but will you really do it?  If you know the answer is NO, it’s best to acknowledge it from the start and pencil in that CHEAT meal.  At least a planned cheat meal can prevent an all out blowout!  You might keep in mind where you are going to spend those extra calories and won’t waste them on the foods that aren’t so tasty.
On days when you know you’ll be away from home for hours, ensure you snack well by always having healthy options available like an apple, almonds and baby carrots!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A sprinkle a pinch a dab, a dash: a tiny bit can whisk a plate of food from one country to another, one cuisine to the next. And luckily, spices from all over the world are accessible to home cooks willing to venture to the grocery store, or to one of many great spice purveyors online.
Cumin: Cumin, which can be used ground or as whole seeds, adds a warm, earthy quality. It's popular in Indian, Pakistani, Middle Eastern, Cuban, Brazilian, and Northern African cooking, as well as the Chinese cuisines of Sichaun and Xinjiang. If using the seeds, which last longer and have a stronger aroma than ground cumin, toast them gently in a dry pan or in the oven to enhance their flavor. Toast the seeds and add them to curries, chilis, stews, and soups; rub onto root vegetables and/or cauliflower with olive oil, salt and pepper, and roast; use in a spice rub with salt and pepper for roasted chicken; add to guacamole, hummus, or another creamy dip; toss into a stir fry with ground meat and vegetables; season soft-scrambled eggs - it’s endless!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fitness Items That Cost More For Women...
I found this very interesting! 
A kettleball s an iron weight with a handle. It doesn't get any more simple when it comes to fitness tools Aside from choosing different weights, there isn't anything that would be different about a "women's kettlebell," and yet one premier kettlebell maker sells a plain black 18-lb bell for $44.95. The pink version? $55.95!  I am at least hoping that the proceeds go to the breast cancer society!
Is it worth it? Kettlebells are supposed to be hardcore. Rock the black color and save the $11 for a bright workout top!
Kettleballs are another item on my list for my home gym along with a hula hoop!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Junk Foods Can Make You Miserable...
Sugar, bad fats, processed carbohydrates.  These dietary devils are what make up the bulk of all junk food—and bulk isn’t the only thing they cause. Foods like processed “white” carbs, packaged cookies, potato chips, sugary sodas, and high-fat burgers and fries not only pack on pounds, they can cause physical symptoms and conditions that make you look and feel like, well, crap. These potential side effects of a diet high in junk food just might inspire you to make a beeline for the nearest Whole Foods.
One of these side effects can be a really bad mood! People who eat a lot of junk food are more likely to experience depression . Even if you don’t fall into a serious funk, pigging out on food that’s not good for you will make feel lousy—and when you don’t feel great your mood is bound to be lousy as well.