Monday, May 14, 2012

Now That I have Been Maintaining My Goal Weight...
It is almost 3 years since I took the plunge into a healthier life style!  I have enjoy the support and encouragement along the way. While I was losing weight, I felt like everyone was cheering me on. Now I feel like at best, they’ve lost interest; at worst, they’re waiting for me to fail and gain it all back. New people I meet assume I can eat whatever I want and don’t think I need any cheering on, but the truth is, I have just as many moments of  - I’d rather have slept in then work out or and oh my god why did I think i could eat that and not pay the consequence! 
I remember how frustrated I often felt when I was trying to lose weight, so I am happy that I finally hit my goal. That said, it is still a daily challenge!

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