Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Junk Foods Can Make You Miserable...
Sugar, bad fats, processed carbohydrates.  These dietary devils are what make up the bulk of all junk food—and bulk isn’t the only thing they cause. Foods like processed “white” carbs, packaged cookies, potato chips, sugary sodas, and high-fat burgers and fries not only pack on pounds, they can cause physical symptoms and conditions that make you look and feel like, well, crap. These potential side effects of a diet high in junk food just might inspire you to make a beeline for the nearest Whole Foods.
One of these side effects can be a really bad mood! People who eat a lot of junk food are more likely to experience depression . Even if you don’t fall into a serious funk, pigging out on food that’s not good for you will make feel lousy—and when you don’t feel great your mood is bound to be lousy as well.

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