Friday, March 15, 2013

A Few Tricks to Help Lose Weight...

Honestly, I am not a big fan of actual calorie counting, but I am a huge advocate of being calorie-conscious, which a food journal can capture nicely. But journaling may not be for everyone, especially if you have the memory of an elephant or if you tend to think about what you are eating 24/7. Other tactics to help you remember what you ate include:
1. Slowing down. The slower you eat and the more time you take to savor every bite, the more likely you probably are to remember what you had.
2. Playing food paparazzi. Supposedly some restaurants have a problem with patrons snapping photos of their meals, but there’s nothing like a great pic of your entrĂ©e to keep the memory of that dish alive, so I say go for it.
3. Keeping the evidence. At a party, hold onto the stirrers from your cocktails and the napkins from hors d'oeuvres so you have an easy count of how many you consumed.
4. Being shell-shocked. Buy nuts in the shell, keep the remains nearby, and count them when you are finished. It will hopefully lead you to put the bag away.
So here’s to a having a good memory in the hopes that it might keep you more in-tune to what you already ate and the potential to eat less later on. 
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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