Monday, March 25, 2013

Three Squares a Day Works as Well as a "Many Mini Meals" Plan...

TRUE: Dieters who stick to breakfast, lunch, and dinner are often no hungrier than those who opt to have frequent small meals and snacks throughout the day, a new study found. Actually, if you're a dieter who doesn't want to have to be extra careful about portion control, eating three squares might be a better strategy. Often people misinterpret the size of a 'mini meal' and end up taking in far more calories than they realize!  Also, more meals means more exposure to food, which creates more opportunities for overeating.

Make this work for you: Whether you want to be a traditionalist or a conscientious "mini meal" strategist, the most important thing is not to go too low: Dieters who dine only once or twice a day tend to get ravenous - and we all know where that leads.  I opt for the 3 meals and healthy snacks between meals!

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