Monday, October 31, 2011

Tricks for treats…
The trick is not to let the treat add on the pounds!  As far as I am concerned – this is the start of the Holiday season!  I know when I walk into the office today, there is going to be Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!  It actually started last week, but now everyone will be pawning off their bounty around the office!
I am not encouraging this, but there are some options if you have the need to indulge!  I know I will break down at some point (Twizzlers are my downfall) and will keep these guidelines in mind:
Before you chew, know the difference between Snack Size, Fun Size, and Miniatures;
Miniatures/Minis are the square-shaped morsels -- those babies are each about a quarter of an ounce in weight.Candy
A Snack Size or Fun Size chocolate treat weighs in at a little more than half an ounce and is usually about 2 inches long.
Kit Kat Mini - 42 calories, 2.2g fat 
Kit Kat Snack Size Bar - 70 calories, 3.7g fat 
                                                   serving size       calories 
Best Chocolate
Tootsie Roll Midgets          2 pieces         47
York Peppermint Patties     1 piece           50
Junior Mints                1 snack-size box  50
Milk Duds                   1 snack-size box  53
Rolo                             2 pieces        54
Best Nut Candies
Snickers                       1 fun-size bar  80
Butterfingers                 1 fun-size bar  85
Baby Ruth                    1 fun-size bar  85
PayDay                     1 snack-size bar  90
M&M’s Peanut             1 fun-size pack   90
Best Other Candies
Double Bubble                   2 pieces      40
Twizzlers                 1 snack-size pack  47
Smarties                         2 rolls        50
Mike and Ike              1 snack-size box  50
Hot Tamales               1 snack-size box  50
Peeps Ghosts & Pumpkins  (2 Pumpkins or 1 Ghost) 28 - 37

Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Halloween Weekend...
Halloween Costumes Inspired by Fitness Icons - Thank you Shape Magazine!
Just in case you are still in need of a costume...
She's a maniac! Maniac! On the fl-oo-r! Admit it, you've already practiced dancing in a large sweatshirt with the neck cut out to hang off one shoulder. All you need now are legwarmers, a headband and a beat to be the star of this party!

Channel your inner Kung-Fu warrior with a 70's Adidas tracksuit and runners.  To really sell the look, insist on roundhouse kicking over everyone's heads at the party.

Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Antioxidants Are Also Anti-Fat...

Free radicals are now blamed not only for making you look old but also for making you fat. Zane Andrews, PhD, a neuroendocrinologist at Monash University in Australia, says these oxidizing molecules damage the cells that tell us we're full. Free radicals emerge when we eat (something even the keenest dieter must do to survive), but they're especially prevalent when we gorge on candy bars, chips, and other carbohydrates. With every passing year, these fullness signifiers suffer wear and tear-causing the "stop eating!" signal to get weaker and appetites (and possibly our stomachs) to get bigger. The best way to fight back? Avoid the junk and load up on colorful, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1/2 Marathon...
What did I get myself into?  I had all intentions of really go all out for the half marathon on Saturday, I even had a goal set to try and finish in 2 hours and 20 minutes!  I now have no goals or expectations!  I got up to almost 12 miles and it wasn’t easy!  I am still going to go out on Saturday and hopefully will get inspired and caught up in all the adrenalin and hopefully run the distance!  If I have to walk some, that’s OK!  It is still getting off my butt and getting in the exercise!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good to the Bone...
We all know dairy is an excellent source of calcium - one glass of nonfat milk contains 299 mg, a third of your daily dose, but it’s not the only one!  Think outside the carton with these surprising options:
Tofu - choose a block made with calcium sulfate (a curdling agent) and you will get 431 mg per quarter cup.
Sardines - this sustainable fish packs 351mg per can, much of which is found in the soft (and completely edible) bones.
Collards - you’ll find nearly 270mg in one cup of cooked greens, plus 7 grams of filling fiber.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Gum Control...
Gum disease can ruin more than just your beautiful smile!  This chronic bacterial infection, which starts as gingivitis and can progress to periodontists  which may also lead to heart disease.  Besides going to the dentist twice a year, flossing and brushing your teeth regularly, you can keep your gums in good shape by staying hydrated and sweating it out!  
Wet your whistle - since saliva cleans your mouth naturally by inhibiting the buildup of food and debris, your gums are more likely to become infected when dry. So, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and occasionally if you must, chew some sugar fee gum!
Sweat it out - I know, not necessarily what you want to hear, but, two or more hours of cardio a week can stimulate blood flow to your gums and reduce levels of the C-reactive protein associated with inflammation!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Book I am Reading...
If I only had time to read more!  This book is the perfect short story book for me to be reading right now.  It is humorous and full of great ideas!  I can pick it up and read a few pages and put it down again for a few days!  I am only up to myth 26 and have learned a ton!  Will I abide by all these myths or keep to what I have know for years is yet to be seen!   I will still keep coffee in the freezer, but I will also start cleaning my mushrooms better!  You won’t cry when you cut onions if - there are no if’s!  Even the title chapter “Lobsters Scream When You Boil The” - they can’t, they have no vocal cords!  I never knew that!!!  I am sure I will be blogging more on some of these chapters - but, if you can’t wait for me, get this book.
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oysters Can Also Boost Immunity...
I wish I read about this last week, when one of our restaurants was enjoying a week long celebration called “The Oyster Festival”.  I would have been there every day!  Anyway,  Oysters are definitely not the first thing that comes to mind when a cold or other illness strikes, but the bivalves are a great source of zinc, among other good-for-you nutrients like omega-3s, selenium, and iron. Zinc is important in the development of white blood cells and even a low-to-moderate level of zinc deficiencies can have negative implications for the immune system. Of course, there can be too much of a good thing however: too much zinc can have an adverse effect and inhibit the immune system. Therefore, it’s best to get zinc from a well-rounded diet. In addition to oysters, beef and chicken are good sources.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Bike...
This is my new ride, my new wheels, my transportation!  I love my new bike.  It was hard giving up my old bike but it was unsafe to ride because the head tube was cracked which is the bearing for the handlebars and front wheel.  I am hoping I have at least another good four weeks left to commute back and forth to work!  I will ride until the first frost, when the lakefront path gets icy!  The only redeeming fact about the bus is - I will be able to catch up on my reading!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Movie Theater Popcorn Shocker...
Now that summer has come to a close, it’s that time of year, at least for me, to start going to the movies! So many to see, yet so little time!
OK, maybe it's less than shocking to those who've heard us dish this info before, but it's worth repeating. People, a large order of buttered popcorn at a typical movie theater can have anywhere from 850 to 1,500 calories and up to 130 grams of fat!  There are plenty of snacks you can easily sneak past the ticket takers...(don’t tell on me!)

Monday, October 17, 2011

A New Use for Tea...
Help houseplants: Occasionally use brewed tea instead of water to feed ferns and other houseplants that like rich, acidic soil. Spread used tea leaves around rosebushes, then add mulch and water. The tannic acid and other nutrients will benefit the plants. A few used teabags in the bottom of a planter can help the soil retain water, and adds valuable nutrients.  Now - don’t finish all your tea!  I am going to give this a try next time we plant something!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Change One Word, Lose Weight Faster...
Find out how making just a single, tiny tweak when ordering your meal can slash unnecessary calories and fat.
Bran Muffin vs. English Muffin
The better option: English 
Bran may sound like a healthy choice—after all, it does come with a couple grams of fiber. But no amount of fiber can make up for a starchy breakfast food that's packed with sugars and up to 400 calories. Start your day with an English muffin to save about 200 calories.  Personally I don’t eat either,  but, being that the English muffin is the better choice, you can always get the whole wheat ones!

Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Dream Machine….

What would a nutritionist love to see in office vending machines?  I found this article in the Sunday Chicago Tribune!  In an office, vending machines are typically stocked with goodies to appeal to every sweet tooth, salt craving and “get me out of this slump” snacker.  But in an ideal world, the vending machine would be able to satisfy your craving and also be good for your body!
How about things like snack packs of almonds, walnuts or pistachios.  I would love to see pirates booty and popped chips!  Then you have the flavored zero calorie vitamin waters, throw in some dark chocolate because what would a vending machine be without some sort of chocolate – at least go with the dark stuff!  But than again, try throwing some of these in your desk drawer.  You won’t even need exact change!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I have my own little twisted theory on why I do crunches and I am going to admit it YOU!  I was scared my double chin was going to turn into a turkey neck!  I thought by doing crunches would add some isometrics to my face which in turn would help contract and tighten things up in the region above my shoulder.  Low and behold my theory worked!!!  The laws of gravity were kind to my face!  Yes, I have the wrinkles from age, and I don’t mind those at all, I just didn’t want a sagging chin and cheeks! The laws of gravity weren’t as kind to my butt!!!  So my advice to you is – get out that stability ball and get working on your abs – and think of all the benefits it can achieve!

Picture - NOT me!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Super Seeds…. 
You paid for that pumpkin by the pound, right?  Don’t toss out those seed when you carve it up!  Pumpkin seeds contain 5 grams of protein and fiber per 1-ounce serving plus they are a good source of zinc and magnesium.  I spritz them with some cooking spay and sprinkle them with salt, pepper and chili pepper.  If you want to go seasonal, try a sprinkle of splenda (baking), cinnamon, ginger, salt and a hint of chili powder.  Roast on a baking sheet at 325 degrees for about 10 minutes and , YUM!, you just transformed a seasonal decoration into a healthy snack!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Change One Word, Lose Weight Faster...
Find out how making just a single, tiny tweak when ordering your meal can slash unnecessary calories and fat.

Crispy vs. Grilled  
The better option: Grilled 
A great rule of thumb - Crispy is just code for “deep fried in oil,” so choose grilled menu options—you’ll be able to eat larger portions for less overall calories.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Cart & Balloons...
I love “Food Art”!  I saw this and just had to share.
Photo courtesy of Carl Warner. Over the years, the foodie said that the work has evolved into a more sophisticated process that involves a model-maker, a food stylist, and sometimes a team of assistants to create one foodscape’!
For Carl Warner, it all started with a portabella mushroom. The London-based advertising photographer had gone to the produce market looking for objects to shoot in a still life. But the fungus caught his eye for another reason. "I thought it looked like a tree on an African savanna," he recalled recently, from his home in England. So the ad man took home the 'shroom and shot it the way he saw it.
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


With rolled oats, nuts, and dried fruits, granola seems so healthy. What is misleading though is how much sugar and extra calories are lurking in granola. A bowl of this stuff can easily contain 500 or more calories—and that's without the milk! Indulge smartly by choosing high-fiber varieties with low sugar. And stick to the recommended portion size on the label.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dancing with the Stars...
OK, I am going to admit that I have become a fan of this show since season 6 - mid season!  What has become inspirational and astonishing is the transformation of some of these stars!  The fist to blossom into a butterfly was Kelly Osbourne, and she is looking better every time I see her in the media!  And WOW!  what about Kirstie Alley - 100 pounds!  That has to be an inspiration to anybody!  This season we all have our eyes on Ricki Lake.  She is already down 12 inches!  I have always said, that I too could have a killer body if I didn't have to work and could dance and /or work out for at least 3 hours a day!  Anyway, I have lost my 50 pounds, by eating healthier and working out, and I have maintained the loss and I too display more confidence in my steps!  We all deserve the mirror ball trophy!!
Get out your dancing shoes, pump up the volume and move to the groove!!!!
I also have to say, I have downloaded many iTune songs from this show :).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I just read about some sugar free foods to avoid and found this helpful!
Skip: Regular
Pick: Fruit
Because they are lower in calories and sugar, sugar-free fruit preserves can be a good product for someone trying to lose weight or is diabetic.  Pick jams that have fruit as the first ingredient on the list.  Better yet? Use fresh fruit in place of jelly. Using sliced fruit provides natural sweetness plus fiber and more natural nutrition than a processed and preserved jelly product.
Bob found a wonderful brand at Costco!  E.D. Smith.  My flavor of choice these days is the Michigan Cherry.  1 tbsp is 25 calories, total fat 0, sodium 0, carbs 6g, sugars 6g. and the first ingredient is Michigan sour cherries!  The peach, mango and orange is also pretty damn good!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Soup Season...
Lucky me!  Bob made the best homemade soup over the weekend.  He started with a homemade chicken stock.  Browned, boned and skinned some chicken thighs.  Added oregano, thyme, bay leaf, garlic, chopped onion, red bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes, Trader Joe’s bag of kale and dried white beans!
I plan on having this soup every night for dinner.   The perfect remedy to help me fight off this cold I feel like I am about to get!!