Friday, October 21, 2011

The Book I am Reading...
If I only had time to read more!  This book is the perfect short story book for me to be reading right now.  It is humorous and full of great ideas!  I can pick it up and read a few pages and put it down again for a few days!  I am only up to myth 26 and have learned a ton!  Will I abide by all these myths or keep to what I have know for years is yet to be seen!   I will still keep coffee in the freezer, but I will also start cleaning my mushrooms better!  You won’t cry when you cut onions if - there are no if’s!  Even the title chapter “Lobsters Scream When You Boil The” - they can’t, they have no vocal cords!  I never knew that!!!  I am sure I will be blogging more on some of these chapters - but, if you can’t wait for me, get this book.
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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