Monday, October 24, 2011

Gum Control...
Gum disease can ruin more than just your beautiful smile!  This chronic bacterial infection, which starts as gingivitis and can progress to periodontists  which may also lead to heart disease.  Besides going to the dentist twice a year, flossing and brushing your teeth regularly, you can keep your gums in good shape by staying hydrated and sweating it out!  
Wet your whistle - since saliva cleans your mouth naturally by inhibiting the buildup of food and debris, your gums are more likely to become infected when dry. So, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and occasionally if you must, chew some sugar fee gum!
Sweat it out - I know, not necessarily what you want to hear, but, two or more hours of cardio a week can stimulate blood flow to your gums and reduce levels of the C-reactive protein associated with inflammation!

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