Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dancing with the Stars...
OK, I am going to admit that I have become a fan of this show since season 6 - mid season!  What has become inspirational and astonishing is the transformation of some of these stars!  The fist to blossom into a butterfly was Kelly Osbourne, and she is looking better every time I see her in the media!  And WOW!  what about Kirstie Alley - 100 pounds!  That has to be an inspiration to anybody!  This season we all have our eyes on Ricki Lake.  She is already down 12 inches!  I have always said, that I too could have a killer body if I didn't have to work and could dance and /or work out for at least 3 hours a day!  Anyway, I have lost my 50 pounds, by eating healthier and working out, and I have maintained the loss and I too display more confidence in my steps!  We all deserve the mirror ball trophy!!
Get out your dancing shoes, pump up the volume and move to the groove!!!!
I also have to say, I have downloaded many iTune songs from this show :).

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