Friday, March 30, 2012

This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain on Food... 
Brains, by nature, are kind of weird and mysterious. And the latest research shows that what we eat can have an effect on our brains... and vice versa! Here's the deal:

What we put into our bodies can mess with our heads. Overeating tends to physically slow us down, of course, and new research shows that consuming more than 2,100 calories a day can DOUBLE the risk of memory loss among those in their 70s and 80s. Results of another study suggest that a high-fat diet could actually cause lasting damage to a part of the brain that's crucial for weight control. So do your brain and your body a favor, and set good habits now. On the flip side, our minds play a big part in what we eat. When it comes to selecting which foods to buy, one study found that claims made on packaging could influence our perception of how those products will taste. Specifically, those who knew the cookies they were eating were sugar-free found the cookies to be less appealing than those who didn't have any information. Crazy! And when you're feeling hungry, doesn't it seem like everything associated with food grabs your attention? In a newly published study, both food-related words and neutral words were quickly flashed in front of subjects; hungry participants identified the food-centric words more often and more clearly than those who had just eaten. Fascinating stuff, people. Think before you chew, but don't overthink it!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Watch Out...
Remember Le Whif, the inhalable chocolate? That same concept has been applied to other sweet treats by a company called Vaportrim. Unappealing name aside, the breathable “dessert” product claims to curb cravings; it comes in flavors like Strawberry Shortcake, Maple Pancakes, and Peach Cobbler. Do you think this would work for you... or just make you hungrier?  Me - it would bring on the cravings, but I might have happy dreams!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Become a Morning Exerciser...

Impending deadlines, last-minute meetings, an impromptu dinner date. These are just a few of many schedule conflicts that keep you from fitting in your evening workout. It's a common problem with an obvious yet seemingly impossible solution: Work out in the morning! We know, it's so hard to get up when you could snooze for another hour! But becoming a morning exerciser is doable (even if  you've never been a morning person). Follow our step-by-step plan and you'll soon wonder how you ever started your day any other way!
Prepare for a Painless Pre- and Post-Workout
Zap morning workout excuses by making your pre- and post-workout routine as simple as possible. Put your workout clothes, socks, shoes, even your hair elastic right next to your bed so you don't have to waste time fumbling around for your gear. And don't let the thought of sweaty hair keep you from a good training session before work. We are huge fans of dry shampoo (and polished ponytails) in cold weather, and a quick, water-only rinse in the shower on warmer days. Pick out simple work outfits (i.e. a dress versus a three-piece outfit) on days you know you'll be short on time.

When I know I am getting on the treadmill in the morning I have what I call my workout pj's!  That way I can literally roll out of bed!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

At a Restaurant, Having a Salad?  Remember to Look Out For...
Super-Heavy Sauces: Anything creamy, cheesy, buttery, or oily is a red flag.
Over-Dressed Salads: Don't let someone slather your salad in goo; ask for the dressing on the side. And just because a small vat of dressing comes with your greens does NOT mean you should use it all. Dip, don't pour.

Deceptive Sauces: Get skeptical. Pesto seems safe ("It's GREEN!") but it's commonly loaded with oil, cheese, and nuts. Same goes for curry -- it may not LOOK creamy, but it often contains a lot of cream and butter. Stay smart!

I always ask for a plate of lemons on the side and if I am feeling really risky - I sneak in my own dressing - incognito!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The winner: Kale 
Kale's nutritional might would win over even Popeye. Gram for gram, kale contains four times more vitamin C, and one and a half times the amount of immune boosting vitamin A and vitamin K.  Vitamin K ensures that blood clots properly, but it's also needed to make a bone protein essential for strong, healthy bones.  Kale contains three times more lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants deposited in the retina that work together to protect eye health. 
I also love spinach, but I do prefer the kale because spinach makes my teeth squeak!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Yogurt - Fights Fatigue...
You know how much I love yogurt and here is another great reason - it helps fight fatigue! Yogurt is so creamy and flavorful, it can seem like a dessert masquerading as a health food. But the truth is, it's really good for you, thanks to a power play of protein and gut-healthy probiotics.

Why it works: Because it's soft, your body processes yogurt more quickly than a solid food, making it a great source of quick energy. But while you get a rapid result, it's also long-lasting, thanks to a good ratio of protein to carbohydrates. Protein stays in the stomach longer than carbohydrates, which translates into a steady source of energy.
Yogurt also contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut ecosystem by protecting against pathogens and helping your body eliminate harmful bacteria. Like fiber, probiotics are a powerful digestive aid. Recent research from the University of Toronto suggests that probiotics can help ease symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome; in the study, probiotic supplementation appeared to boost levels of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is famously known as the component in turkey that makes you sleepy, but it's also a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps induce sleep and promote feelings of calm and tranquility, helping to combat both physical and emotional fatigue.
When to eat it: Absolutely any time. Aside from its health benefits, one of the best things about yogurt is its versatility. It's a great afternoon or pre-workout snack because it will give you a quick hit of energy. But you can also add healthy toppings fresh berries to make a hearty breakfast. The plain variety works well at the dinner table in place of sour cream or as a salad dressing base, and you can doctor it up with frozen berries for a dessert smoothie.
How to enjoy it: Go for the 0% Greek. Greek yogurt contains about twice the amount of protein as the regular kind, and it has a richer, creamier consistency, which makes it seems like an indulgence. Choose organic whenever possible.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Key to Preventing Moldy Berries...
Berries are delicious, but they're also kind of delicate.  Raspberries in particular seem like they can mold before you even get them home from the market.  There's nothing more tragic than paying $4 for a pint of local raspberries, only to look in the fridge the next day and find that fuzzy mold growing on their insides.  Here’s a tip I just learned about and I’m sharing on how to prevent them from getting there in the first place:
Wash them with vinegar!
When you get your berries home, prepare a mixture of one part vinegar (white or apple cider probably work best) and ten parts water.  Dump the berries into the mixture and swirl around. Drain, rinse if you want (though the mixture is so diluted you can't taste the vinegar,) and pop in the fridge.  The vinegar kills any mold spores and other bacteria that might be on the surface of the fruit, and voila!  Raspberries will last a week or more, and strawberries go almost two weeks without getting moldy and soft.  So go forth and stock up on those pricey little gems, knowing they'll stay fresh as long as it takes you to eat them
Thank you berry much Mom for this article!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Don t Hold Your Breath...
This may sound like a no "brainer",  but how often do you find yourself holding your breath when you are strength training?  Your core muscles need oxygen to work at full capacity, so be sure that you keep breathing.  As a general rule, you want to inhale on the easiest part of the move (on the way down from a crunch) and  exhale when you have to exert the most force (on the way up on a crunch).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dodge Diabetes Now...

Remember, this is why my “transformation” had to happen! No one wants diabetes, but for those with a strong family history of this disease, the desire to avoid this debilitating disease is much stronger. What is hopefully a beacon of light at the end of this tunnel is that diabetes can be avoided or at least the severity can be significantly diminished by some lifestyle modifications that we can all incorporate into our life.
The most important thing is to monitor your diet. You need to eat foods that are low in glycemic load, which takes into consideration the glycemic index of a food and the quantity of it that you eat so that it measures the sugar load you consume at any given food intake point. When you learn to eat a low glycemic load diet, your body will be healthier because there won't be a rapid rise in blood sugar such that your body is unable to process it.
While making dietary changes is a very potent way of impacting your diabetes risk factor, exercise is also extremely important in your battle against diabetes. Start by increasing your daily activity level and incorporating even small amount of exercise daily and build up to at least about 30 minutes of exercise on a daily basis with variations of activity types throughout the days of the week.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Make Green Your Favorite Color...
Now that St. Patrick's day is behind us let’s not forget about the “healthy” color green!  Salads sometimes get a bad rap as "diet food," but leafy greens pack a powerful nutritional punch. And with so many different healthy toppings to choose from - think lean protein and fresh veggies, you're sure to find one you like.  To make it easy to pack more greens into your diet, buy a bag of lettuce and fill a large container full of chopped vegetables at the beginning of the week and make your own dressing.  That way, all you need to do is mix, dress, and enjoy!  It is pretty much my weekend ritual to make sure I have proteins portioned out, a pound of organic mixed greens and tons of veggies!

Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Patricks Day = Shamrocks.... 
You are going to see them and you are going to be tempted by them - Green is in sight - EVERYWHERE!!! Now that it's March, it's time to break out the green stuff for St. Patrick's Day! But if you're planning to do so by indulging in a cool, minty McDonald's McCafé Shamrock Shake to celebrate the Irish holiday, there are some stats you should know before hitting the drive-thru. 

Available for just a limited time, you probably already know that the Shamrock Shake isn't exactly healthy for you. But, let's go over the nutrition facts.  A 16-ounce serving of the Shamrock Shake has 550 calories, 13 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of trans fat, 50 milligrams of cholesterol, 180 milligrams of sodium, no fiber, 82 grams of sugar and 13 grams of protein. The Shamrock Shake is made with McDonald's low-fat vanilla soft-serve ice cream and Shamrock Shake syrup, and then topped with whipped cream and a maraschino cherry.
The 82 grams of sugar is the worst.  It’s like eating around six slices of bread all at once. The saturated fat is also high, at 40 percent of the daily limit (the goal is 10 percent). On the other hand, it is loaded with calcium (460 milligrams percent).  Is it worth it?

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

So many people think that Hummus is a healthy choice!  It can be but you really need to now what you are consuming! 
Chickpeas are a great way to add fiber and protein to salads and soups, or even to enjoy as a standalone snack. Just keep your serving size in check—one cup of canned chickpeas, a standard amount for side dishes, has 286 calories.
Tahini, At 89 calories and 8 grams of fat per tablespoon, is a pretty calorically dense food. While it's full of healthy ingredients like B vitamins and even rich in calcium, it's also super easy to go overboard. Stick to a ping pong ball-sized serving (about 2 tablespoons) to keep your calories in check.  Don't forget the olive oil involved and of course, watch what you are dipping into the hummus!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Back in the Saddle....
The bike is all tuned up and ready to go!  This week is the start of my nine month bike commuting!  So happy to be off the bus even though I  already miss my reading time! I love the freedom of being on my bike!  I also love the extra workout, calorie burning and a little decompressing before and after work!

BTW - I have only missed 9 days of NOT getting in any kind of workout - not bad for 74 days!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Old Rule: Drink eight glasses of water a day.
New Rule: Eat your water.

The recommendation to chug all that H2O was likely based on guidelines published in 1945. However, says Howard Murad, MD, author of The Water Secret, much of your daily requirement is contained in foods: Fruits, vegetables, beans, and cooked whole grains like oatmeal and quinoa (which soak up moisture in the pot) all deliver servings of water. And, as Murad points out, they offer the added bonus of nutrients: "Watermelon and cucumber are more than 90 percent water, but they also contain antioxidants. With a glass of water, all you get is water." You'll know you're hydrated when your urine is colorless or pale yellow and you're rarely thirsty. I still try and drink as much water as possible!

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Gluten free" seems to be the new diet buzzword on food labels these days. And while you may choose (or need) to avoid gluten in your food, don't get tricked into thinking that eliminating gluten automatically means you'll lose weight. Those 'gluten-free' cookies are still cookies and still contain calories—maybe even more than similarly sized regular cookies. Indulge in gluten-free treats just like you would with any other dessert.  We all know that dessert is my nemesis, I just have to stay clear of it ALL!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

On a Diet or Off a Diet...
How many times have you heard or you yourself (me included) used the old “I’ll start my diet on Monday” excuse?  The concept of being either ON or OFF the eating-right wagon can be pretty self-defeating -- there IS a middle ground! Think of eating smart as a lifestyle adjustment, and go into it knowing that celebrations and indulgences are part of life. So give yourself some wiggle room. If you eat sensibly 80 percent of the time and less sensibly the other 20 percent, you'll still be on the right track. 
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Buying the Hype...
Some things have what’s referred to as a health halo around them, meaning the are “perceived” as being healthy even if they are not!  I like to refer to them as food fakers! Notorious food fakers include granola, smoothies, and restaurant salads. Sure, some are OK, but with so many super-caloric versions out there, you NEED to check the stats before you chew. This also goes for items marked "light" or "reduced-fat" -- just because something has fewer calories or less fat than standard fare, that doesn't automatically mean it's a good choice.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

No Gym - No Problem...
Zero in on your abs with this exercise: Sit lightly on the edge of the couch with both hands placed just outside of your hips. Maintaining a straight spine, bend both knees at 90 degrees  and lift your heels off the floor.
Brace your abs in tight to your spine, inhale, and hinge back as far as you can without rounding your back at all (you may touch the back of the couch, but don't rest your body on it).
Exhale and draw both knees up to hip height (maintaining their 90-degree position and keeping your back straight).
Lower your legs with control and tap just your toes back on the floor, holding the hinge position with your upper body. Repeat this up to 20 times in a row, exhaling each time you lift your legs.
Thank you Shape Magazine!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


This superfood seems to be all the rage these days, and we admit they go great on cereal, in smoothies,on salads, etc. Just don't pour chia seeds on with abandon—a single tablespoon still contains 70 calories, meaning you can easily add an extra 200 calories to that smoothie without even realizing it!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Surprising Sources of Antioxidants Acacia berries, red wine and pomegranates are all known for their high levels of the antioxidants called anthocyanins. That is what gives these foods their deep red color. So maybe it's not so surprising that red and purple cabbage is another great source of the same powerful antioxidant.
Anthocyanins can help improve the health and youthfulness of your blood vessels, warding off heart disease. And if your dose of anthocyanins comes from cabbage, you'll get the added benefit of glucosinolates, another antioxidant that may help cells fight against cancer.
One cup of red cabbage contains less than 30 calories and has 2 grams of stay-full fiber.  I love my cabbage and or broccoli slaw with a wasabi vinaigrette dressing! 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Butternut Squash Spaghetti...
My husband is a genius!  Remember I gave you the recipe for turkey meatballs and spaghetti squash and I couldn’t make it because I couldn’t find the squash.  We eventually found a spaghetti squash, made it and it was delish!  It was so good I wanted it again! Low and behold - again, no spaghetti squash.  Bob thought he would try a butternut squash instead!  He peeled it, and tried a few different techniques to get strips.  The apple corer worked part way, then he used a peeler.  He steamed the strips until tender and voila - it worked!  The only variation he made to the meatballs was he added some red pepper flakes and a whole egg instead of egg whites - because of course the only eggs we use are organic, omega 3 eggs.  What a great, healthy comfort food!  (see blog 2/6/2012for recipe).  It just goes to show you - you can try anything in the kitchen!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Speed up Metabolism...
Eat Constantly - Snacking does not have to be a bad thing. If your stomach is growling, it means that you need more fuel. Not providing your body with food is a surefire way to slow down its basic functions. Choose high-fiber, high-protein snacks like a wedge of Laughing Cow Lite cheese, almonds, fruits, veggies, or Greek yogurt. Starving your body will sabotage all of your dieting efforts.