Wednesday, March 7, 2012

No Gym - No Problem...
Zero in on your abs with this exercise: Sit lightly on the edge of the couch with both hands placed just outside of your hips. Maintaining a straight spine, bend both knees at 90 degrees  and lift your heels off the floor.
Brace your abs in tight to your spine, inhale, and hinge back as far as you can without rounding your back at all (you may touch the back of the couch, but don't rest your body on it).
Exhale and draw both knees up to hip height (maintaining their 90-degree position and keeping your back straight).
Lower your legs with control and tap just your toes back on the floor, holding the hinge position with your upper body. Repeat this up to 20 times in a row, exhaling each time you lift your legs.
Thank you Shape Magazine!

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