Monday, March 5, 2012


Surprising Sources of Antioxidants Acacia berries, red wine and pomegranates are all known for their high levels of the antioxidants called anthocyanins. That is what gives these foods their deep red color. So maybe it's not so surprising that red and purple cabbage is another great source of the same powerful antioxidant.
Anthocyanins can help improve the health and youthfulness of your blood vessels, warding off heart disease. And if your dose of anthocyanins comes from cabbage, you'll get the added benefit of glucosinolates, another antioxidant that may help cells fight against cancer.
One cup of red cabbage contains less than 30 calories and has 2 grams of stay-full fiber.  I love my cabbage and or broccoli slaw with a wasabi vinaigrette dressing! 

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