Friday, March 23, 2012

Yogurt - Fights Fatigue...
You know how much I love yogurt and here is another great reason - it helps fight fatigue! Yogurt is so creamy and flavorful, it can seem like a dessert masquerading as a health food. But the truth is, it's really good for you, thanks to a power play of protein and gut-healthy probiotics.

Why it works: Because it's soft, your body processes yogurt more quickly than a solid food, making it a great source of quick energy. But while you get a rapid result, it's also long-lasting, thanks to a good ratio of protein to carbohydrates. Protein stays in the stomach longer than carbohydrates, which translates into a steady source of energy.
Yogurt also contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut ecosystem by protecting against pathogens and helping your body eliminate harmful bacteria. Like fiber, probiotics are a powerful digestive aid. Recent research from the University of Toronto suggests that probiotics can help ease symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome; in the study, probiotic supplementation appeared to boost levels of the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Tryptophan is famously known as the component in turkey that makes you sleepy, but it's also a precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps induce sleep and promote feelings of calm and tranquility, helping to combat both physical and emotional fatigue.
When to eat it: Absolutely any time. Aside from its health benefits, one of the best things about yogurt is its versatility. It's a great afternoon or pre-workout snack because it will give you a quick hit of energy. But you can also add healthy toppings fresh berries to make a hearty breakfast. The plain variety works well at the dinner table in place of sour cream or as a salad dressing base, and you can doctor it up with frozen berries for a dessert smoothie.
How to enjoy it: Go for the 0% Greek. Greek yogurt contains about twice the amount of protein as the regular kind, and it has a richer, creamier consistency, which makes it seems like an indulgence. Choose organic whenever possible.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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