Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I needed a goal to get me through the winter!  I signed up for the Soldier Field 10 miler.  I got motivated after watching the marathoners and the 10 miler was on sale :).  I love a bargain and I love this race and didn’t do it this year!  Actually I didn’t do any races this year.  I kept up with my running, but nothing to strive for!  I also had some physical issues that got in my way this year.  So watch out May 25th 2013! (photo from 2011 race)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More on Red Wine...
If you hate getting sick (and who doesn't?), the antioxidants in red wine may help keep you healthy. A 2010 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that among 4,000 faculty members at five Spanish universities, those who drank more than 14 weekly glasses of wine for a year were 40% less likely to come down with a common cold. Why? According to the National Institutes of Health, antioxidants are believed to fight infection and protect cells against the effects of free radicals, which may play role in cancer and other diseases.
My home remedy when I start getting sick- a glass of wine and soup!
Another antioxidant boost? They may also lower sex hormone levels to protect against breast cancer, says a study from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Tricks for treats…
The trick is not to let the treat add on the pounds!  As far as I am concerned – this is the start of the Holiday season!  I know when I walk into the office today, there is going to be Halloween candy EVERYWHERE!  It actually started last week, but now everyone will be pawning off their bounty around the office!
I am not encouraging this, but there are some options if you have the need to indulge!  I know I will break down at some point (Twizzlers are my downfall) and will keep these guidelines in mind:
Before you chew, know the difference between Snack Size, Fun Size, and Miniatures;
Miniatures/Minis are the square-shaped morsels -- those babies are each about a quarter of an ounce in weight.Candy
Snack Size or Fun Size chocolate treat weighs in at a little more than half an ounce and is usually about 2 inches long.
Kit Kat Mini - 42 calories, 2.2g fat 
Kit Kat Snack Size Bar - 70 calories, 3.7g fat 
                                                   serving size       calories 
Best Chocolate
Tootsie Roll Midgets          2 pieces         47
York Peppermint Patties     1 piece           50
Junior Mints                1 snack-size box  50
Milk Duds                   1 snack-size box  53
Rolo                             2 pieces        54
Best Nut Candies
Snickers                       1 fun-size bar  80
Butterfingers                 1 fun-size bar  85
Baby Ruth                    1 fun-size bar  85
PayDay                     1 snack-size bar  90
M&M’s Peanut             1 fun-size pack   90
Best Other Candies
Double Bubble                   2 pieces      40
Twizzlers                 1 snack-size pack  47
Smarties                         2 rolls        50
Mike and Ike              1 snack-size box  50
Hot Tamales               1 snack-size box  50
Peeps Ghosts & Pumpkins  (2 Pumpkins or 1 Ghost) 28 - 37

Friday, October 26, 2012


The nutrition facts on a carton of Egg Beaters list no fat, no cholesterol, and less than half the calories of a large egg. But direct your eyes to the ingredients list - They add sugar and fillers, including gums and 'natural flavors,' for taste and texture consistency! They also fortify the formula since the nutrient-rich yolk is removed, but why go for something created in a lab when you can get the same nutrition naturally?  Not only do real eggs offer plenty of protein, their yolks contain carotenoids; vitamins A, D, E, and K; a host of B vitamins, and DHA (an essential omega 3 fatty acid), all important nutrients for your vision, heart, brain, and bones.  I still eat 1 or 2 organic eggs just about every day! 

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

More on Fat Free Greek Yogurt...

You eat protein after working out to jumpstart muscle recovery, but you should also consider having a protein-rich bedtime snack, according to scientists in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. After a strength session, exercisers ate 20 grams of protein. One group then consumed another 40 grams of protein a half-hour before bed, while another group was given a placebo. Those who noshed on protein before nodding off significantly improved muscle protein synthesis, which helps repair, build, and strengthen lean muscle. (You’ll want to rock a swimsuit all year!) On days when your muscles feel like putty, try Greek yogurt; it packs twice the protein of regular yogurt!  I have my berries and fat Free Greek yogurt almost every night as my dessert!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Ha Ha - it seems I can’t do anything until I have my morning cup of joe!  Especially any physical exercise! Runners love a cup of pre-race or pre-run java for the pep it puts in their step. Research shows that the caffeine in coffee can enhance physical endurance and stamina, making a long run or ride feel easier.  Try it iced or hot a half hour before any activity, but if it upsets your stomach, push it back to an hour. Not crazy for coffee? Iced or hot green tea works too. Feel free to add milk, but skip the sugar, which can negate the caffeine kick.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Thanks to high levels of zinc, an oyster dinner may boost your chance for a big O in the bedroom. Zinc is needed for testosterone production, and while women don't have as much of the hormone as men, it still has a huge effect on libido. Oysters also boost dopamine, a hormone which results in increased libido in both men and women. So slurp away!  Ha Ha - Shaws - one of our restaurants just celebrated Oyster Fest 2 weeks ago!  Where was I!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

L.A.'s New Portion-Size Campaign...

The New York City soda ban made headlines around the globe, and now another major US city is launching a public anti-obesity initiative.
Last week, Los Angeles residents were introduced to "Choose Less, Weigh Less," a portion-control campaign designed to help Angelinos slash surplus calories. According to organizers, nearly 24 percent of L.A. county residents were obese in 2011, a whopping 74 percent increase since 1997.
A purely educational endeavor (no bans on In-N-Out Double-Doubles or burritos the size of a catcher’s mitt), the campaign will include ads on buses and billboards, as well as TV, radio, and social media outreach. Visual comparisons are the crux of the project, essentially side-by-side photos of different sized meals and the number of calories saved by downsizing.
Check out some of the comparisons; such as a six-inch sub (460 calories) rather than a foot-long (920 calories) or two pancakes, eggs and bacon strips (640 calories) versus four pancakes and bacon strips with the eggs (1,050 calories).
Each ad also points out, "2,000 calories a day is all most adults need." That helps, because thinking of 2,000 as a daily limit makes it much easier to put 920 in perspective compared to 460. But unfortunately 2,000 is just an average, and many of my female clients’ needs are much closer to 1,600. 

Friday, October 19, 2012


Sometimes I actually eat something other than a salad!  Bob was anxious to try the new brined, organic chicken at Trader Joe's!  He roasted the chicken with very flavorful spices.  He gave me the breast and of course - took the skin off.  We also had roasted cauliflower with caramelized onions, peas with green onions and mint!  It was a colorful delicious healthy dinner:)

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


OK - I found another use for my Cameron’s stove top smoker!  I quartered some apples and smoked them with some maple chips for about 15 minutes before baking!  I mixed all kinds of Fall spices together - cinnamon, ginger, pumpkin spice, cayenne pepper, gloves and some sugar free Salted Caramel Torani (see blog from 11/29/11).  Wow!   Besides tasting great the house smelled great!  I love this time of year :).

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Candy Corn...
Now that it's well into trick-or-treat season, bowls and bags of sweets appear to be everywhere you turn, just begging you to dive in. Out of all the options, candy corn may seem like one of the most guilt-free picks—after all, there isn’t any chocolate and it's fat-free!
But the almost-100-percent sugar confection (the ingredients list looks something like this: sugar, corn syrup, confectioner’s glaze, artificial flavors and colors, salt, egg whites, honey glycerin, mineral oil, and carnauba wax) adds up pretty quickly. A handful of just 20 kernels has 150 calories and 28 grams of sugar! If you’re helping consume the 35 million pounds of candy corn produced each year, you’ll need to walk 37 minutes for every 20 you pop!
I love these little hints!  Thank you Shape Magazine!  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Potato Chips...
Food is a major part of our lives, but everything you're swigging, dipping, chomping down on, and sipping could be leading you straight into a funk. These days, Americans are eating a lot of Unhappy Meals. Everyday foods void of important nutrients, minerals, and healthy fats are also laden with jaw-dropping levels of sugar and dangerous fats that research has linked to depression. The stress of modern-day life makes it easier to cave into these temptations!
Potato Chips - The Joy-Killing Truth: Between the winter holidays and football season, it's nearly impossible to dodge potato chips. But those taters are likely fried up in oils laden with omega-6 fatty acids that block out mood-enhancing, brain-building omega-3 fatty acids. Frying potatoes also creates the carcinogen acrylamide.  For a healthier, occasional potato fix, try baking smaller spuds with red or blue skin—the colored skin is packed with phytonutrients that benefit your mind and body.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Stone crab season officially begins on October 15, making this shellfish a delicious fall diet food.  “Crabs are a very rich source of lean protein, low in calories and fat (a 4 oz. serving has only 98 calories and less than 2 grams of fat), and they can make a filling main course dish!  Crabs are also a good source of chromium, which helps in the metabolism of sugar, helping the body to maintain normal blood glucose (sugar) levels.  Watch out Joe’s Seafood, Prime Steak and Stone Crab restaurant!  If out office is lucky - they might even bring some for lunch on Wednesday - they have in the past!

Friday, October 12, 2012

I am in LA and did not bring my computer! All I can say is...
I will be thinking veggies and protein all weekend! There is a lot of celebrating to do and I will do my best not to stray! We have my moms 80th to celebrate, my niece and beauty guru Emma's pregnancy to celebrate, a few missed birthdays but most of all my parents 60th wedding anniversary! I wonder if all the tears of joy will take off an ounce or two?
Until Monday.... Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


At only 10 calories, 1/2 gram of fiber, and 1/2 gram of protein per sprout, these nutrition cannonballs will help keep you satisfied longer while eating fewer calories!  Don’t sabotage this nutritious vegetable by cooking them with pancetta or bacon—try roasting with an olive oil spray, garlic, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper, or try making Brussels sprout chips—peel off each leaf, toss with a hint olive oil, some fun spices,  salt and pepper, then roast until crispy.  I also make a great Brussels sprout salad.  You can find it in one of my past blogs (November 8th 2010).

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Back on the Treadmill....

It is now too dark for me to go out outside during the week for my morning run :(.  Thank GOD for the treadmill:)  I have to admit that I am not a huge fan of the treadmill and I am lucky if I can handle 30 minutes! (Unless - ha ha  I am watching a TV show or movie on my iPad while I am treading away!) What I do like about it is I challenge my speed!   Hopefully this will carry over into the Spring!  I also signed up for the Soldier Field 10 miler in May so I now have a goal to get me through the winter!  I still have the weekends!  I will become the “weekend warrior” on the lakefront path!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This time of year just says apples and cinnamon to me!  Cinnamon was considered an affluent and elite spice in the middle ages, and it’s no wonder!   Cinnamon is loaded with manganese, fiber, calcium, and iron, making it the perfect spice to add to your meals. It’s also a natural appetite suppressant that decreases blood sugar, manages insulin, and revs up your metabolism.  I have been baking apples lately with cinnamon and having with my fat free Greek yogurt!  YUM!  

Monday, October 8, 2012


Reducing your daily sodium intake is an essential step towards healthy eating and weight loss.  Using herbs like bay leaves are a great way to add flavor to soups, sauces, and meat dishes without adding extra salt. Try adding a leaf or two to your next pot of soup or spaghetti sauce (just make sure to remove the leaves before eating). I am always puling them out of the many soups and stews that Bob prepares!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Skipping Meals...

Many people assume that skipping meals is a smart way to keep their daily calorie intake in check -- especially if they have a big dinner planned. But it often has the opposite effect. If you don't consume enough calories during the day, you're gonna get hungry. REALLY hungry. And you'll be way more likely to make bad food decisions and take in even more calories overall than if you'd just eaten sensible meals earlier in the day. In fact, nighttime snacking is often a result of your body craving sustenance after a day when you didn't eat enough. The good news is that you can still make dinner the most substantial meal of the day. Just have smaller daytime meals, not tiny or nonexistent ones.

A lot of people skip breakfast because they don't have time to make something or aren't hungry first thing in the a.m. If you're time crunched, keep fast morning options on hand.  For me it is hard boiled eggs or fat free Greek yogurt and berries, fresh or frozen!

As for lunch, even if you're super busy, it's important to stop and eat something. It doesn't have to be a huge meal; just one that's filling. I like to have a protein, even if it is a can of tuna over a salad.  You can aways get a salad in a bag - already for you.  Every week I make a batch of my own salad dressing which usually consists of vinegar, lemon, mustard and herbs.

Hope I've convinced you to show breakfast and lunch some love. Now no more meal skipping!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


They’re not just for Halloween!  Pumpkin is not only a super healthy treat, but its also one of the greatest weight-loss foods around, Langston says. Low in calories, but full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, pumpkin is also an excellent source of the important antioxidant beta-carotene. Enjoy it fresh or canned—you’ll still get the same nutritional benefits. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chicago Marathon...

This is dedicated to anyone doing the Chicago Marathon this Sunday, or any future marathon.  I will be on my corner cheering you all on.  It is an unbelievable accomplishment and it still gives me goose bumps every time I think about crossing that finish line  (just under 5 hours)!  You are all winners!  You will also give me that envy and put the idea in my head that I should do it again next year!  Than I will remind myself that a half marathon is about all I even want to train for! Go out slow, drink lot’s of fluids, have fun and GOOD LUCK!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Don’t toss the seeds from your Halloween pumpkin this year. Roast and eat them instead!  These delicious little super seeds are packed with protein, fiber, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorous, as well as potassium, zinc, selenium, folate, niacin, and amino acids arginine and glutamic acid. They will help keep you fit, healthy, and lean with their poly- and mono-unsaturated fat content, which raises metabolism and helps burn fat. They're also great stress relievers (chew away stored frustration through crunching). Less stress means reduced cortisol levels, which keeps you thin!

Monday, October 1, 2012


When you compare 120 calories for six whole-grain crackers to 185 calories for an ounce of unsalted walnuts (that's 14 halves), the first option seems best. But think again: “The nuts provide omega-3 fatty acids, which help turn off hunger messages in the brain, while the carbs in the crackers may do the opposite,” Albert says. And while both have about the same amount of protein and fiber, the walnuts have zero
sodium—something we all need to cut back on anyway, for our health and to banish bloating.