Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Candy Corn...
Now that it's well into trick-or-treat season, bowls and bags of sweets appear to be everywhere you turn, just begging you to dive in. Out of all the options, candy corn may seem like one of the most guilt-free picks—after all, there isn’t any chocolate and it's fat-free!
But the almost-100-percent sugar confection (the ingredients list looks something like this: sugar, corn syrup, confectioner’s glaze, artificial flavors and colors, salt, egg whites, honey glycerin, mineral oil, and carnauba wax) adds up pretty quickly. A handful of just 20 kernels has 150 calories and 28 grams of sugar! If you’re helping consume the 35 million pounds of candy corn produced each year, you’ll need to walk 37 minutes for every 20 you pop!
I love these little hints!  Thank you Shape Magazine!  

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