Friday, October 5, 2012

Skipping Meals...

Many people assume that skipping meals is a smart way to keep their daily calorie intake in check -- especially if they have a big dinner planned. But it often has the opposite effect. If you don't consume enough calories during the day, you're gonna get hungry. REALLY hungry. And you'll be way more likely to make bad food decisions and take in even more calories overall than if you'd just eaten sensible meals earlier in the day. In fact, nighttime snacking is often a result of your body craving sustenance after a day when you didn't eat enough. The good news is that you can still make dinner the most substantial meal of the day. Just have smaller daytime meals, not tiny or nonexistent ones.

A lot of people skip breakfast because they don't have time to make something or aren't hungry first thing in the a.m. If you're time crunched, keep fast morning options on hand.  For me it is hard boiled eggs or fat free Greek yogurt and berries, fresh or frozen!

As for lunch, even if you're super busy, it's important to stop and eat something. It doesn't have to be a huge meal; just one that's filling. I like to have a protein, even if it is a can of tuna over a salad.  You can aways get a salad in a bag - already for you.  Every week I make a batch of my own salad dressing which usually consists of vinegar, lemon, mustard and herbs.

Hope I've convinced you to show breakfast and lunch some love. Now no more meal skipping!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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