Friday, June 24, 2011

Going on Vacation or Even Just A Weekend Get Away....
Traveling can be extremely stressful!  People tend to approach vacations in one of three different ways when it comes to eating. There's the "I'll eat everything that isn't nailed down because I'm on vacation" vacationer; there's the "I might bend the rules a little bit, but I'll still try to eat the right things" vacationer; and there's the super-rigid "I'm sticking to my strict diet and won't stray AT ALL" vacationer. To me, the first and third approaches are too extreme. Don't use the vacation as an excuse to shovel everything in your face, unless you're totally prepared to deal with the inevitable post-trip weight gain. And don't be so restrictive that you can't enjoy your trip either. I say, aim for a nice balance.  Depending on where you are venturing off to, there's always fresh food around and healthy choices!  Unless you are going someplace like the South Pole you are most likely spending a lot more time in a bathing suit or warm-weather clothes which in itself can inspire you to eat lighter!  LOL - I know when I have to wear less, I stay away from heavy foods so I'll feel more comfortable in less clothing. 
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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