Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mistakes That Can Squash Workout Results... 
Buying Into the After-burn Myth:
While it's true that you will torch more calories in the hours after a workout, for most women it amounts to just an additional 50 calories burned, not enough to sanction a splurge!
THE FIX: My general rule of thumb: the 50/50 principle - if you’re trying to trim down you can afford to add about half the calories you burn to your usual intake, preferably about 50% before to help fuel the activity, and half after, for recovery. For example, an hour on the elliptical burns about 500 calories (for 150 pound person), which means you can safely “spend” an extra 125 calories both before and after hitting the gym – that’s the amount in about one slice of whole grain bread spread with one tablespoon natural peanut butter before, and a half cup each nonfat Greek yogurt and sliced strawberries topped with a tablespoon of sliced almonds after. 
OOPS!!!  I am generally very careful and follow the above rule of thumb!  But I will admit - after I finished “the race” a few weeks ago - I did splurge with a purge!  All those calories I burned I put them back on - and then some!  Live and learn - but damn if those waffles with fresh berries weren’t the best waffles I ever had!!!!

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