Tuesday, August 23, 2011

After Almost 2 Years...
I ran into one of our neighbors and she finally asked me “WHAT DID YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP?”  Kind of a loaded question!  My reply was - not a lot, I just learned how to eat healthier!  Yes I still go out to eat and yes I will have my moments of craving something on the dark side, but I have learned what I need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle!  I am far from perfect, there are days that I do not want to get out of bed to exercise and I don’t!  I know deep down I will feel better if I do and I carry a hint of guilt around all day, but I get up the next day and have great run!  Yes, I crave pizza and yes I will go out and have it and sometimes over indulge, but those times are so few and far between, and I know I will get up the next day and run that extra mile or two.  Yes, I eat out, sometime more often than I intend to, but I can find healthy options at just about any restaurant.  It is still a learning process and I make my mistakes, sometimes unintentionally, and than just move forward.  I am always thinking about my next meal and 98% of the time it is going to be a healthy one!
It’s like anything in life - if you want something bad enough, you make it happen!

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