Friday, August 5, 2011

Just a Reminder About Eating Out...

I do this all the time, especially if it is a someplace I have never been before!  Scoping out restaurant nutritional info ahead of time is definitely the best way to know what you're getting into (or should I say, what's getting into you!). But sadly, not every restaurant provides the stats. Don't worry, though. Even if you can't get your hands on the calorie and fat counts, there are ways to make super-smart decisions at any type of restaurant. Check 'em out...

Look over the menu beforehand. Even if there's no nutritional info online, checking out your options ahead of time can really help you to prepare. Then you can focus on the pre-dinner conversation instead of dissecting the menu line by line.

Don't arrive super-hungry. Sure, it might seem like a smart idea to cut back during the day in order to indulge at dinner. But in your ravenous state, you're more likely to make a not-so-smart food decision.

Appetizers are your friends. You just need to know which ones to choose! Skip the basket of bread or tortilla chips (or any bread-like item that magically appears on your table). Stick with broth-based soups (studies show these help us eat less overall), starter salads (sans croutons and cheese, with dressing on the side), shrimp cocktail, and steamed mussels or clams. Those will take the edge off your hunger for not a lot of calories.

Look for lean protein-based entrées with plenty of veggies. Think chicken breast, shrimp, fish, etc. Avoid breaded and fried items; opt for grilled or baked. If the protein comes in a sauce, order the sauce on the side. Or skip the sauce altogether and ask for a little salsa or balsamic vinegar (not vinaigrette!) -- either of these will add tons of flavor for very few calories and no fat. If the sides listed are things like pasta or rice, see if you can switch 'em out for steamed veggies.

Pay attention to portion size. It's not just about what you order, but also how much of it you eat. Even plain chicken adds up if you eat a large amount. Fill up on that salad and those veggie sides, and stick with reasonable amounts of the other stuff.

For dessert, your best option is always fresh fruit.
Mixed berries at an Italian restaurant, orange slices at a Chinese place, fruit salad at a diner... Even if it's not on the dessert menu, ASK -- there's a good chance they have some.

Overall, don't stress too much. Just do your best and enjoy your night out. Happy dining!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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