Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Put A Lid On It...

I am a firm believer in wearing a bike helmet!  A matter of fact - I don't even take a cyclist serious if they aren't wearing a helmet!  Don't even get me started on the people riding their bikes, texting or talking on the phone!  Anyway, no state requires adults to wear a helmet when they ride.  I am only hoping; that nationwide, the law on helmets is evolving.  Until it is settled in favor of cyclists (assuming it is), think of your helmet as an insurance policy; It might not prevent every injury, but it could protect your legal rights!

There are legal consequences if you fail to strap on on!  Consider this scenario:  A negligent driver hits you, and you sue him for the costs of your medical expenses.  However, his insurance company claims that YOU were negligent for not wearing a helmet.  The outcome of the case will depend on whether the jury decides it was reasonable for you to ride without one.  They might not:  Many people believe that helmets prevent all head injuries, although it is still possible to suffer one while wearing head protection.  

Our helmet of choice right now is the Bell helmet, that is what Bob and I are sporting!

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