Friday, August 26, 2011


Q.  I’ve heard that when you feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.  Is this true?

A.  Absolutely!  Thirst is your body’s way of telling you that your optimal water volume is down by 2 percent, which is quite significant.
The Institute of Medicine recommends taking in 11 cups of fluid a day.  If you’ve been sweating, you may need more.  All liquids count, even tea and coffee.  If you drink caffeinated beverages regularly, your body is used to processing them, so you’ll only experience diuretic effect if you consume more than usual.  Fruits and vegetables also add up, since most are at 80 percent water.  A cup of watermelon, for example, has about half a cup of water.
I know I have to drink more water, but it is refreshing to know that all the fruits and vegetables I consume daily help!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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