Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, but check out how some of these drinks can spoil your smile.

Soft Drinks
Guess what? Sugar isn't the biggest culprit when it comes to a fizzy drink's impact on teeth. These beverages -- diet or not -- strip minerals from tooth enamel because of their high acid content. We're talking corrosive acids like phosphoric, malic, citric, and tartaric. And the flavor of the fizz matters. They all have an impact, but in a study, clear, citrus-flavored bubbly beverages dissolved two to five times more than colas did.
Sports Drinks
Hydration during exercise is important, but reconsider guzzling sports drinks unless you're a true endurance athlete. In a study comparing the erosive effects of five different beverages -- including juice and soda -- sports drinks did the most harm. Their high concentration of strong acids produced the deepest enamel damage in teeth. 
Energy Drinks
Need a liquid pick-me-up? Skip this tooth stripper. In the study comparing five beverages, energy drinks were second worst after sports drinks -- mainly because they had little ability to buffer the acids in the beverage. And drinks like these are an especially bad idea for adolescents and young adults, whose tooth enamel is less mature and more porous. 

Just drink water!!!!!

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