Friday, September 16, 2011

I really am not obsessed about aging!  I am embracing my 50‘s and loving it!  I just find these little anti-aging tips worthy of mentioning!
Newcastle University scientists recently reported that an antioxidant in soy called daidzein may activate a protein linked to the regulation of aging and longevity. And the levels that triggered this protective response can be achieved simply by eating whole soy foods, such as edamame, soy nuts (dried soy beans) and tofu. Experts say the long life expectancy and healthy aging observed among the inhabitants of Okinawa, Japan, who include soy as a staple, raises the possibility that they may be living proof of these effects.
Turn Back the Clock: Add edamame to a healthy stir fry, keep a stash of soy nuts in your desk drawer or bag, top a salad with grilled extra firm tofu, or add soy milk or silken tofu to a smoothie. Go with organic if you can and keep it at a few servings a day to make room for other healthy lean proteins.
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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