Friday, September 30, 2011

My favorite time of the year!

Loaded with nutrients - In addition to fiber, there are many other nutrients packed into this gourd. Carotenoids like beta-carotene are plentiful, as is vitamin A (each 1/2-cup serving has 300% the daily value!). Muscle-fueling potassium? Yup, got that too. Yay, pumpkin!

Delicious yet neutral - The stuff is naturally yummy with a fantastic creamy texture, but it's not that sweet on its own. Its mild taste makes it an excellent base for all sorts of flavors: cheesy, spicy, maple-y... even chocolatey! This means you can use it in SO many different recipes.
Watch out farmers market - coming to get my gourd on!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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