Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The words written on food packaging are a contract between you and the manufacturer, as mandated by the federal government via the FDA. Many food producers hire lawyers that help them craft words to get you to buy their products while toeing the line of legality. Here is something very interesting, in a scary way, about coconut and flavoring!
Both natural and artificial flavors are actually made in laboratories. But natural flavorings are isolated from a natural source, whereas artificial flavorings are not. However, natural flavors are not necessarily healthier than artificial. According to Scientific American, the natural flavor of coconut is not from an actual coconut, as one might expect, but from the bark of a tree in Malaysia. The process of extracting the bark kills the tree and drives up the price of the product when an artificial flavoring could be made more cheaply and more safely in a laboratory. 
Coconut serves as an important source of nutrition in many island cultures. However, shredded coconut is a processed food item most often used for baking or as a topping for your hot cereal or salad. Coconut is high in fat and calories, and knowing its nutrition information can help you adjust your intake!

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