Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Work Out in the Cold...

I really enjoy running outside in the winter as long as it isn’t icy!  Doing any type of cardio exercise in the cold can increase the ability of brown fat in the body to work at maximum capacity. Newly published research indicates that brown fat helps efficiently burn the white fat in your body, which is the considered that "bad fat."  
This is the first time I ever heard of “brown fat”! But it turns out that our bodies also make a unique form of fat tissue that behaves remarkably unlike any other: rather than storing excess energy, this fat actually burns through it.  It's called brown fat (as opposed to the more familiar white fat that hangs over belt buckles and swings from the backs of arms), and a series of papers published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirm for the first time that healthy adults have stores of this adipose tissue, which researchers hope to study further as a potential new weight-loss treatment.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Extra virgin olive oil is high in "good" monounsaturated fat--the kind of fat that can help lower LDL cholesterol--but it also has about 477 calories and 54 g of fat per 1/4 cup. If you don't measure the amount of oil you use to sauté, grill, broil, or roast, you can end up with way more than you need.
The healthy move: When grilling or broiling, use a pastry brush or nonaerosol pump to lightly glaze food with oil.  If you're making a stir-fry, wipe a paper towel dipped in olive oil around the wok before adding ingredients--or better yet, use a nonstick skillet. We are big fans of the “spays”!

Monday, February 27, 2012


OK - I just read about this supplement and I got the powder form, Bob got the tablets!  If only it came in a chewable for me! A daily 4,500mg dose of this blue-green algae (usually found in supplement or powder form) can help relax artery walls and normalize blood pressure. It may also help your liver balance your blood fat levels—decreasing your LDL cholesterol by 10 percent and raising HDL cholesterol by 15 percent, according  to a recent study.  It's a rich source of natural, plant-based protein, iron, calcium, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. Blend 1 teaspoon of spirulina powder into smoothies, whisk it into your favorite vegetable juice, or take it in tablet form (4 tablets (2 g) per day is recommended for adults).  I tried it on  my grapefruit, the color kind of scared me (it was a lot darker green than the picture), but it is fairly tasteless!  I have to figure out another method!  Maybe I will have to have more yogurt and frozen fruit smoothies!  It would probably be great in tea!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Asparagus is one of the best, natural artery-clearing foods around.  Asparagus works within the 100,000 miles of veins and arteries to release pressure, thereby allowing the body to accommodate for inflammation that has accumulated over the years.  It also helps ward off deadly clots.  We just love this versatile vegetable, my favorite is to grill them!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


This spice has been shown to keep blood sugar levels in check by helping the body metabolize glucose faster. It adds a warm, sweet flavor to foods without any extra calories. Sprinkle cinnamon on oatmeal, nonfat Greek yogurt, or even your morning coffee. The possibilities are limitless. 
According to recent research - just one teaspoon a day of antioxidant-rich cinnamon can help reduce fats in the bloodstream, helping to prevent plaque build up in the arteries and lower bad cholesterol levels by as much as 26 percent!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Get Motivated, Get Inspired, Snap Out of It...

I have to tell myself this ALMOST every day!  These are a few tricks I use!

Don't think about whether or not you feeling like working out right now. Just think about how darn good you're going to feel afterwards!  Don't cheat yourself out of feeling incredible or looking good. Feelings are temporary. Once you get going, you'll feel so much better.

Begin with small, achievable, realistic goals. Your confidence will get a huge boost, and confidence is a key ingredient in behavior change and forming new habits.
The easiest way to get motivated to go to work out is by finding something worth training for. Whether it's to fit into a wedding dress, improve your time in a race, or lower your cholesterol, having that end goal in mind will really help.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Berry Good For You...

The next time you go grocery shopping, don't forget to pick up a pack of colorful berries. Aside from their great taste, they are good for your health in more ways than one.
All types of berries are found to be nutritious and low in calories. Berries are known to contain phytochemicals, which also has been known to prevent cancer. Eating a diet that includes berries is highly recommended since it also can improve your vision, and provide essential vitamins such as vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, folate and potassium to name a few.
Frozen produce is as nutritious as fresh, and sometimes even more nutritious. During the winter, fresh berries are hard to come by, expensive, and usually not as high in nutrients as when they're picked in season. Frozen berries are less expensive and can be kept on hand at all times to be added to yogurt, hot or cold cereal, or a fruit smoothie!

BTW... We had the Turkey Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash last night for dinner - YUM!  The meatballs were tasty and delicate!  See blog  from 2/6/2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes, are perfect for promoting weight loss. They are high in filling fiber.  Sunchokes are also low in calories and full of nutrients, including folate, vitamin C, iron, and potassium.  We use them in many of our soups and stews!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Swap Mustard for Mayo...

Swapping mustard for mayo is a no-brainer. But using spicy mustard is even better. This is because hot spicy mustard amps up the metabolism by creating a heat effect in the body, she says.

To increase metabolism and curb appetite, drink a glass of water mixed with a tablespoon of hot spicy mustard just before dinner. Not only will you increase your metabolism, but mustard seeds are a good source of antioxidants and omega-3s! I have yet to try this! 
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Your Marinades Pack a Big Fat Punch...
You're wise to choose skinless grilled chicken, but be careful with condiments. Barbecue sauce is filled with sugar, which equals calories (about 94 per 1/4 cup).  The healthy move: Ditch the high-sugar sauce and instead spice up chicken by marinating it with cayenne red-pepper sauce, or mix hot sauce with some fat-free yogurt and smear it on your sandwich for buffalo-inspired flavor.  Another way to punch up the taste and nutrient power of grilled chicken sandwiches and turkey burgers: Try a topping of homemade slaw. Bagged shredded cabbage or broccoli makes a convenient base; toss it with flavored vinegar and a little mustard. At 11 calories per 1/2 cup, raw cabbage offers filling fiber and vitamins such as C and B6, and as a cruciferous veggie, it contains cancer-fighting antioxidants. 

See blog July 8, 2010 for my broccoli slaw recipe.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thinner Thighs...

Plie Slides - This ballet-inspired move is a great inner- and outer-thigh toner.
How to do it: Start standing with your hands on you hips, heels pressed together and toes rotated out to the sides (about 45 degrees) [A]. Step your left foot out (wider than hip-width apart), into a deep "plie": bend both knees out over your toes, lowering your body straight down to the floor, keeping your back straight and abs in tight [B]. Next, as you rise up out of the plie, slide your left heel back in towards your right, straightening your legs and returning to start position. Repeat 15 times with the left, 15 times with the right.
Quick Form Tip: Make sure your knees stay lined up over your toes on the plie, don't let them roll in.
Thank you Shape Magazine  for another good move!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day...
More torture!!!  OK - I am not a big fan of Valentines day!  Sorry  - bah humbug to me!  Maybe it is because Bob and I just celebrated our birthdays, and what about the “pressure”?  It is so hard not to be tempted by all the chocolate hearts, heart shaped cookies, heart shaped anything!  Be strong - you can do it!  I have to keep saying that to myself!  A strawberry dipped in dark chocolate might not be a bad alternative!  At least you are getting your fruit portion and dark chocolate in moderation can actually be good for you with the antioxidants and a few other health benefits! (see blog 2/10/11)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Your Bedroom Isn't Conducive to Sleep...
Getting a good night's sleep is essential to keeping your weight in check. When you're tired, levels of leptin, which controls appetite, decrease, while levels of ghrelin, an appetite stimulator, increase.  A few recommendations on working on your "sleep hygiene" to ensure you get enough zzz's -  swap your regular curtains for blackout shades, which will keep your room darker, or invest in a noise machine to cancel out distracting sounds. Even a too-soft or too-stuffed mattress can impede a restful night's sleep.  I find when I am tired - I am just lazy and tend to go for whatever is available and that usually isn’t the healthiest of choices!  

Friday, February 10, 2012

Is Your House Making You Fat...
I was reading this article about things I have mentioned and are the somewhat obvious like;  your serving plates are too large,  the music you play while you eat is too fast and your snack foods are always within reach.  

The one that caught my eye was this - Your drinking glasses are the wrong shape!
If your go-to glass is short and squat, it may be responsible for your similarly shaped figure. Research has shown that we end up pouring an average of 25 to 30 percent more liquid into short, wide 16-oz glasses versus tall, thin 16-oz glasses because, he says, our brains tend to over-focus on the height of objects at the expense of their width. That means when people pour drinks into tall glasses, they assume that they've reached their drink quota sooner, since they overestimate how much a tall glass can hold. So while your stumpy glasses may be perfect for guzzling down more water throughout the day, serve the sugary stuff in something else. 
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I probably shouldn’t be blogging about this, but, I have a new found love for bourbon!  Bob and I are really getting into it and I even got a flask for my birthday!  The good news is 1 ounce is a whopping 64 calories, so much better than cookies or ice cream!  Believe it or not, it has actually been warm enough to go for a walk after dinner.  Bob enjoys a cigar and what could be better than a cigar walk and nipping on some quality bourbon!  MY BAD!  Please note - this isn’t an everyday occurrence!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Scrub the Tub...

Put in 25 minutes cleaning the bathrooms of your house and you'll say goodbye to soap scum and 107 calories. (Tip: Put on some of your favorite dance music while you clean to burn off even more. You may dance around a little and even sing—both calorie-burning activities!).  BTW - my rubber gloves are either pink or purple and I really did scrub my tub over the weekend :).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tomorrow is my Birthday...
OK - I am NOT going to repeat last years birthday extravaganza!  I just took off those access Holiday pounds!  Bob and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate both our birthdays and I am going to have whatever I want!  It is a special restaurant and I am not going to try and mess with healthy options!  BUT, what I am NOT going to do this year is go out 3 times a week for the next few weeks with friends to celebrate!  I am trying to make it a more “activity”  friendly birthday!  Saturday I went pottery painting, I've been to the movies and I would love to go ice skating and whatever else comes up!  I just don’t want to make it all about “food”  I feel like I finally got my will power back, my own personal mojo!  Those 5 pounds from the Holidays felt like they would never disappear!  I had to go back to square one!  Learning from the past mistakes and moving forward!  Funny what growing up will do - always learning, even at 55!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Spaghetti Squash...

This winter squash is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, I had every intention of making the following recipe for dinner on Sunday, but, unfortunately Whole Foods didn’t have the spaghetti squash :(
Here is the recipe for a future date!  Thank you David Kirsch!
Serves: 2
Prep time: 1 1⁄2 HOURS
1           spaghetti squash
1           Vadalia onion
1           clove of garlic
6           plum tomatoes, chopped
1/2 c    Pomi tomatoes, chopped
2T        low sodium tomato paste
1/2c     fresh basil leaves, copped
3/4 lb  lean ground turkey
1           egg white
2T        finely chopped shallots
1T        Dijon mustard
1T        freshly chopped parsley
1t         freshly chopped oregano
1/8t     ground black pepper
2ds      hot pepper sauce
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
2. Wrap the whole squash in foil. Place it on a baking sheet and bake 1 to 1 ½ hours, until tender when pierced with a fork, turning the squash over halfway through cooking. Set aside to cool.
3. Heat a medium nonstick skillet over medium heat and coat with cooking spray. Add the onions and garlic and cook for two to three minutes, until softened. Add the plum tomatoes, Pomi tomatoes, tomato paste and basil. Simmer gently for 15 minutes. Set aside.
4. In a medium bowl, combine the turkey, egg white, shallots, mustard, parsley, oregano, pepper and hot-pepper sauce. Mix gently and shape into eight meatballs.
5. Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat and coat with cooking spray. Add the meatballs and cook for four to five minutes, turning often, until browned all over. Pour the marinara sauce over the meatballs in the skillet. Cover and simmer for eight to 10 minutes, until the meatballs are cooked through.
6. Cut the cooked spaghetti squash in half. Remove and discard the seeds. Scoop out three cups of squash from the shell (reserve the remaining squash for future use). Arrange the squash on a serving platter and top with the meatball-marinara mix.
nutrition score per serving
 483 calories, 38g protein, 48g, carbohydrates, 18g fat, 4g saturated fat, 11g fiber and 12g sugar

Friday, February 3, 2012

Water Continued...

It Will Help You Regulate Your Blood Pressure...
Why: In 2010, the American Red Cross discovered that when blood donors were given 16 ounces of water to drink before giving blood, there was a 20 percent drop in fainting after the procedure. That was an important finding for them, given that many of those who faint then chalk blood donation up as a bad experience and never return to give again.
It's not entirely clear what mechanism is at work. But the Red Cross was inspired to conduct a study after researchers at Vanderbilt University noticed that drinking water activated the parasympathetic nervous system -- related to the "fight or flight" system that makes you more alert, elevates blood pressure momentarily, and boosts energy. Fainting after donating blood is often connected to a drop in blood pressure, and they theorized that the water would counter that effect.
(Not drinking enough water on a regular basis can also raise blood pressure. That's because dehydration causes blood vessels to constrict as the body strives to conserve water that it loses through perspiration, urination, and breathing. When blood vessels constrict, however, the heart pumps harder, bringing blood pressure up.)
Water-drinking tip: Start your day with a glass of water for a simple energy boost that remedies any dehydration that may have occurred overnight. Keep a filled glass or bottle on your nightstand or an empty one next to the bathroom sink.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein And drink lots of water!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Water Continued...
You’ll Be Less Apt to Get Sick...
Why: Hydration keeps your mucus membranes in top working order -- they're gatekeepers to the natural defense system that helps keep out germs such as cold and flu viruses. When these tissues dry out, germs can more easily penetrate to the nasopharynx, where the nasal passages and mouth meet. And if you catch a bug anyway, the severity of your illness is more likely to be lower if you've been drinking a lot of water.
Water is an especially smart health move when you are traveling. Most commercial planes fly at elevations between 30,000 and 35,000 feet, where humidity is 10 percent or lower. That means you're breathing dry air in a tight space filled with germs from dozens of people. Water keeps your mucus membranes moist -- and your defenses high -- even in that challenging situation.
Water-drinking tip: Bring an empty water bottle with you to the airport that you can fill for free once you're past security. Or buy the biggest bottle you can right before you board, and aim to finish it by flight's end. Don't hesitate to ask the flight attendant for refills while you're in the air.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Water Continued...

You’ll Be More Comfortable...
Why: It doesn't matter if the water you sip is hot or ice-cold. The act of drinking it will keep you warmer on a cold day -- and cool you off on a hot one.  Your internal thermostat works better when you're well hydrated, water helps regulate body temperature.
The body's temperature-regulating system, governed by the hypothalamus in the brain, is constantly picking up information that allows it to make adjustments to maintain a fairly steady core temperature. Hot sun? You'll sweat to cool down. Hatless in snow? The hypothalamus will know you're losing heat through your head and work to produce extra energy, such as shivering.
But these mechanisms work less well if you're dehydrated – and dehydration is a common risk for people of all ages, in winter as well as summer. In cold weather, for example, you lose water vapor through your breath. And many people tend to drink less water in cold weather because they don't think they need it as much as on hot, sunny days.
Water-drinking tip: Start by swapping out one soda, cup of coffee, or high-calorie hot chocolate a day with an equal amount of water. Carry a bottle of water with you all day long as a visual reminder to pause and sip. Sip more when you're physically active, whether in water, snow, or any weather condition.