Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thinner Thighs...

Plie Slides - This ballet-inspired move is a great inner- and outer-thigh toner.
How to do it: Start standing with your hands on you hips, heels pressed together and toes rotated out to the sides (about 45 degrees) [A]. Step your left foot out (wider than hip-width apart), into a deep "plie": bend both knees out over your toes, lowering your body straight down to the floor, keeping your back straight and abs in tight [B]. Next, as you rise up out of the plie, slide your left heel back in towards your right, straightening your legs and returning to start position. Repeat 15 times with the left, 15 times with the right.
Quick Form Tip: Make sure your knees stay lined up over your toes on the plie, don't let them roll in.
Thank you Shape Magazine  for another good move!

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