Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tomorrow is my Birthday...
OK - I am NOT going to repeat last years birthday extravaganza!  I just took off those access Holiday pounds!  Bob and I are going out to dinner tonight to celebrate both our birthdays and I am going to have whatever I want!  It is a special restaurant and I am not going to try and mess with healthy options!  BUT, what I am NOT going to do this year is go out 3 times a week for the next few weeks with friends to celebrate!  I am trying to make it a more “activity”  friendly birthday!  Saturday I went pottery painting, I've been to the movies and I would love to go ice skating and whatever else comes up!  I just don’t want to make it all about “food”  I feel like I finally got my will power back, my own personal mojo!  Those 5 pounds from the Holidays felt like they would never disappear!  I had to go back to square one!  Learning from the past mistakes and moving forward!  Funny what growing up will do - always learning, even at 55!

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