Thursday, April 12, 2012

I just watched a Dr. Oz video on “Foods That Make You Fat” and sushi was the first one.  I am writing about this because something very interesting happened to me at lunch just the other day!  As I have mentioned before, I am so fortunate at work - every Wednesday, one of our restaurants hosts a beautiful buffet lunch.  I happened to walk through the kitchen and got a sneak preview so I could determine my “healthy” options.  Of course they steered me right to the Sushi.  Ha Ha - I know better than that!  If it was sashimi - maybe!  But the sweet sticky carbohydrate rice and often full fat mayo in all of the specialty sushi can really pack on the extra calories and of course the soy sauce which for me is detrimental!   I opted for the mixed greens and added the “angry” chicken and made myself a taco salad, salsa as the dressing!  Yes, sushi and taco’s were the menu items!  There are ways around just about everything, might not be ideal, but there are always options!

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