Friday, April 27, 2012

Weekend Wreckage...

Sleeping in - No alarm clock, no stressful commute, and often, no morning meal – leading to a gorgefest around noon!  If you don’t eat until brunch, you’ll be starving and think you can eat the equivalent of two meals – ha ha!!!  Remember, breakfast tends to be the lowest calorie meal of the day, no skipping 3oo calories and tacking on an extra 600 later certainly isn’t going to help you drop the pounds!

Damage control – No matter what time you crawl out of bed, chow down!  Eating helps rev up your metabolism, which starts your calorie burn.  Weekend brunches have become one of my favorite times to catch up with friends and I always have to eat something before hand otherwise I would be gouging!

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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