Thursday, February 28, 2013

Clean Eating (part 2)...
Do: Enjoy every bite.
Don’t: Feel guilty.
Food not only nourishes and fuels our bodies and minds, it also provides entertainment, invites togetherness, and rejuvenates the soul. Food should taste good first and then be good for us also. A variety of flavors, including spicy, sweet, sour, pungent, and bitter, paired with different textures makes for the most satisfying meals. We should feel free to savor flavorful foods until satisfied, rather than eat around cravings and long for something else minutes later. As often as possible, enjoy food seated at the table.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

One of The 10 Best Cities for Cycling...
Go Chicago!  Chicago has 204 miles of bike lanes and plenty of bike paths, including the scenic Chicago Lakefront Trail that spans 18 miles. The work is ongoing, too—in 2012, the Chicago Department of Transportation installed and restriped a total of 39 miles of bike facilities under the direction of bike-loving mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Clean Eating...
“Clean eating” is hot, with the term being at an all-time high on Google search. While clean eating doesn’t refer to the cleanliness of food from a safety standpoint, it points to nourishment in its most whole, natural state, free of added unpleasantries. It’s a lifestyle, not a short-term diet, and one that I’ve been following for years. To help you on the path to your healthiest and happiest body yet, follow some simple clean eating dos and don’ts.
Do: Choose foods in their purest state, such as an orange.
Don’t: Select foods manipulated and processed beyond recognition, like diet orange juice drink. The less processed foods are, the more naturally occurring vital nutrients and the fewer harmful ingredients they contain. If you can’t pronounce an ingredient on the label, you probably shouldn’t eat the food. Instead of components that sound like things from lab experiments, opt for foods with ingredients you find in home kitchens.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Draft Notice...

I thought this was an interesting article!

Wondering how that beer went down so easily?  Blame it on your glass!  In a new study, people who were served 12 ounces of larger in a curve flute polished off their drinks in 7 minutes, compared with 12 minutes for those who drank the same amount from a straight-sided glass.  Contours seem to alter your judgement, making it difficult to estimate the halfway point and pace yourself.  To safeguard your six-pack (abs, that is) this St. Paddy's Day, don't let your bartender throw you a curve!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Boxed Pasta Mixes Contain Toxic Ingredients...

I don’t thin I WILL EVER eat boxed pasta again!  (Not that I eat that much pasta anyway) 

Banned ingredient: Azodicarbonamide
This hard-to-pronounce chemical has been linked to asthma and is banned in Singapore, Australia, the UK, and most European countries. If American food producers exercised a little more patience and just waited one week for wheat to whiten naturally on its own instead of adding this to fast-track flour’s bleaching process, we’d have no worries.
Eat instead: Gluten-free and wheat-free is the way to go!  Better yet - make your own!  It’s not that hard.
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thai Food....
One of my favorite meals!  This Southeast Asian cuisine enjoys a healthier rep than its cousin Chinese Food, perhaps because of its abundance of seafood, fresh veggies and herbs like lemongrass and cilantro. Thai dishes can also be deceiving!  They are often drenched in oil, high in sodium and double the recommended serving size.  To avoid these dietary pitfalls and still indulge in this tasty fair, you can make some easy swaps!  
Go for Tom Yum Soup and pass on the Thai Coconut Soup!  Turns out the star ingredient - the coconut milk is nearly as heavy as whipping cream A bowl can equal add up to 500 calories and 48 grams of fat.  The Tom Yum Soup with a medley of chicken or seafood, mushrooms, peppers and fresh herbs, this spicy soup manages to be satisfying and only 150 calories and 5 grams of fat!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


This is exactly what I needed to get me motivated today!

You know that convenient "But I don't have time to work out!" excuse? When you think about it, a one-hour workout is only four percent of your day. This pin reminds us that if we make it a priority, we can make it happen.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Why you need it: Potassium is an essential electrolyte, needed to control the electrical activity of the heart. It is also used to build proteins and muscle, and to break down carbohydrates into energy.
Where to get it: One medium-sized baked sweet potato contains nearly 700 mg of potassium. Tomato paste, beet greens, and regular potatoes are also good sources, as are red meat, chicken, and fish.  And I thought it was just about bananas!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Vitamin B6

Why you need it: Vitamin B6 is an umbrella term for six different compounds that have similar effects on the body. These compounds metabolize foods, help form hemoglobin (part of your red blood cells), stabilize blood sugar, and make antibodies that fight disease.
Where to get it: Fish, beef liver, and poultry are all good sources of B6, but the food richest in this vitamin—good news for vegetarians—is the chickpea, or garbanzo bean. One cup of canned chickpeas contains 1.1 milligrams (mg) of vitamin B6, or 55% of your DV.

Friday, February 15, 2013

A Cut Above the Rest...

I don’t know about you, but I am always confused on what kind of steak to order or buy!  I do love my beef!  Much like the search for a great pair of jeans, it's all about finding the right cut. According to the USDA, there are twenty-nine cuts of beef that qualify as extra lean (less than 5g fat per serving) or lean (less than 10g fat per serving). Stick to extra-lean cuts like top round and top sirloin, and go for lean cuts like strip, tenderloin, T-bone, and shoulder. My favorites are tenderloin (especially filet mignon) and top sirloin. Stay away from ribeye and skirt steak, which typically contain marbling (read: FAT throughout the meat) and higher levels of cholesterol. If you're out at a restaurant, smaller and leaner is definitely the way to go!  Also, If I see grass fed on the menu - I will pay the extra bucks!  For Bob’s birthday we had a beautiful porterhouse steak, aged for 40 days!  It was the best of both worlds - tenderloin and a strip:)

Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Healthy Ways to Satisfy Unhealthy Cravings...

I’ll say it: I’m a fun eater. I love parties, food festivals, and going out to eat. Up until my early 50’s I didn’t think much about ordering fried chicken wings, second slices of pizza, and French fries. But now I just need to think twice. The old phrase “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips” comes to mind frequently.
I’m well aware, however, that there is no sense in depriving myself—otherwise I will blow it by eating some of my trigger foods and distroy my efforts. I simply need to make better, healthier choices.  There are simple switches that really make a difference.  Fat free Greek yogurt has been one of the biggest changes to my new way of eating.  It is such an easy substitute for sour cream.  I use it all the time for dressings and desserts!  When I feel like something crunchy like chips I go for some almonds, celery sticks or carrots!  Just take a minute to think about it, be creative and the choices are endless!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Back in the saddle again :)
My bus pass is up and now it is time to start peddling it to work.  In the beginning it might not be everyday, but it starts today!

BTW - I am a Great Aunt :).  My beauty guru had a beautiful baby boy yesterday and my diet Guru is a grandmother!  SO EXCITING!  I have to stay in shape and look great when I meet the new addition to our family!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Birthday Celebration...
When did birthday celebrating turn into days and days of celebrating?  Bob and I shared a weekend of festivities.  My birthday was Friday the 8th and his was Monday the 11th.  Granted, he did hit a special number this year!  It was a special dinner of my choice on Friday, out on Saturday and a special dinner at home on Monday his choice!  Than it is catching up with friends who also want to join in the fun!  This weekend out again and a few brunches are on the horizon!  It will be a food fest for a month!  That means in between I really have to stay focused, eat really well and try and put in a little more exercise!  I can’t wait for March!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

PepsiCo to Remove Flame Retardant BVO from Gatorade...

Wow - I knew these sugary sports drinks were bad for you, but this is really scary.  It proves to know what the ingredients are in anything we eat or drink.  I think this is a perfect example...

When Sarah Kavanagh, now 16, wanted to have a cool drink after spending time outside on a hot day in Mississippi last year, she reached for a Gatorade. But before she took a sip, Sarah, who's a vegan, checked the ingredient label. One item in particular caught her eye: brominated vegetable oil, or BVO.
Curious, she Googled it and discovered an eye-popping list of negative side effects. Forgoing the Gatorade, Sarah instead headed to to start a petition in the hopes that she could persuade PepsiCo, the company that makes Gatorade, to remove the BVO"I started the petition on because I found out brominated vegetable oil is linked to lots of health problems, and it's banned in Europe and Japan," she told SHAPE. "It's just shocking to know that some of the biggest, most trusted companies would use something like that."
She's in luck: Last Friday PepsiCo announced that it will be removing BVO from its Gatorade products, although Molly Carter, a Gatorade spokesperson, told the New York Times, that the company had been testing alternatives for about a year, due in part to customer feedback the company had received, but that the decision was not made in response to the teen's petition. Regardless, Sarah says she's happy that PepsiCo heard and listened to its customers' pleas.
"It's really inspiring to know that anybody can make a difference," she says. "We need to believe in ourselves. Companies listen to consumers because they wouldn't exist without us!"

Friday, February 8, 2013

Surprising Signs of a Weak Immune System...

Some people seem to survive cold and flu season with nary a sniffle. 
And yet plenty others seem to catch cold after cold; sidelined with a perpetually stuffed-up nose and hacking cough that lasts all winter long. So what's different between these two groups? Research shows your cold and flu vulnerability may come down to a few important--and unexpected--habits, like how much sugar you eat or how dry your nose is. 
Eating too much sugar doesn't just pack on pounds!  A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating 100 g of sugar (think three cans of soda) significantly hampered the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria for up to 5 hours afterward.
As uncomfortable as it may be, a runny nose is actually a good defense against colds and the flu. 
Sounds gross, but mucus traps viruses and clears them from the body. If your nasal passages are too dry, germ invaders have an easier time.  A humidifier can help. 
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!
BTW - It is my birthday today and I already know there are my favorite cupcakes on the horizon - watch out Sprinkles - here I come!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Vitamin C...

Why you need it: Vitamin C is an important antioxidant, and it's also a necessary ingredient in several key bodily processes, such as protein metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.
Where to get it: Most people think citrus when they think of vitamin C, but sweet red peppers actually contain more of the vitamin than any other food: 95 mg per serving (well ahead of oranges and just edging out orange juice, at 93 mg per serving). Other good sources include kiwi fruit, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Abs Exercises: Alligator Drag...

Why it works: This abs exercise uses your entire core to keep your body stabilized and burns additional calories by adding movement (dragging yourself along the floor). It mixes cardio, stability, and strength training to get you fast results.
How to do it:
A. Find a stretch of floor that allows you to go forward 10 to 20 yards, and grab anything that will slide over the surface with minimal friction. Dinner plates or plastic bags might work on a carpeted floor, while towels might work on wood or tile. 
B. Start in push-up position with your feet on the slides, towels, or plates.
C. Walk yourself forward with your hands to the end of your runway (aim for at least 10 yards). Rest for 60 to 90 seconds (or as long as you need to recover) and repeat the alligator walk back to where you started. That’s one set. Repeat one more time.
I am going to give this a try!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Toxic Ingredients...

Mac And Cheese!  I think this scared me out of ever eating Mac and Cheese again!  At least out of a box.  I was never a big fan anyway!

Banned ingredients: Coloring agents yellow 5 and yellow 6
The "cheesy" neon-orange color in most store-bought mac and cheese is a result of dangerous dyes made from coal tar, which is also used to seal-coat and preserve products like shiny industrial floors as well as to kill bugs in lice shampoo. Studies have linked artificial food coloring to allergies, ADHD, and cancer in animals, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Eat instead: Pick an organic brand, which means no added artificial colors, no dairy from cows treated with synthetic hormones, and no genetically modified ingredients. Even better, look for one that’s gluten- and wheat-free or make from scratch!  Since ditching these may save you from experiencing insulin level spikes and overeating an extra 400 calories per day.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Kickstart Your Metabolism...

Many people think that metabolism is only affected by exercise. That is not true.
It is true though that exercise is essential for losing weight, maintaining weight loss, and for overall health. But it is not the only way to achieve all three goals.
Our diet is a big part of how our body functions and hence how efficient our metabolism is. When we eat foods that are high in glycemic load or high in carbohydrate/sugars, if our body doesn't process these well, it works against our weight loss efforts.
So, for those of you looking to start this year off on the right foot regarding kick-starting your metabolism and losing weight, look for foods that are low in glycemic load or index. Foods that don't spike our sugar quickly then drop are better for weight loss efforts.
Spicy foods were also seen to have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Since spices have some anti-inflammatory benefits, the fact that you're adding spices and giving your food a little kick will likely not only help kick-start your metabolism, but also help your body kick those colds and pesky illnesses.
So, when you eat an anti-inflammatory diet that is not processed and is low in saturated fat and low in sugars but is high in protein, antioxidants, and fiber, your body is more balanced to fight diseases but it also has more energy to tackle your daily life. When your body is acting like this type of a well-oiled machine, it too is like a well-oiled machine…at burning calories that is.

Friday, February 1, 2013

More Motivation - Quiz Yourself...

Need an instant dose of inspiration? Take this quick, healthy-habit quiz. (I am using diet and exercise as an example, but you can plug in any behavior that you're trying to maintain). Answering these questions often helps to boost motivation just enough to remind you of why you started the diet in the first place!
If I stop my diet and exercising, how will I look in six months or one year from now?
If I stop my diet and exercising, how will I feel in six months or one year from now?
If I stop my diet and exercising, what will my health be like?
If I stop my diet and exercising, how will my family and friends be affected?
I know my answers and it really does help keep focused!  I also realize it really is a new way of life.  I will always be thinking about the way I eat and exercise!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!