Friday, February 8, 2013

Surprising Signs of a Weak Immune System...

Some people seem to survive cold and flu season with nary a sniffle. 
And yet plenty others seem to catch cold after cold; sidelined with a perpetually stuffed-up nose and hacking cough that lasts all winter long. So what's different between these two groups? Research shows your cold and flu vulnerability may come down to a few important--and unexpected--habits, like how much sugar you eat or how dry your nose is. 
Eating too much sugar doesn't just pack on pounds!  A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating 100 g of sugar (think three cans of soda) significantly hampered the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria for up to 5 hours afterward.
As uncomfortable as it may be, a runny nose is actually a good defense against colds and the flu. 
Sounds gross, but mucus traps viruses and clears them from the body. If your nasal passages are too dry, germ invaders have an easier time.  A humidifier can help. 
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!
BTW - It is my birthday today and I already know there are my favorite cupcakes on the horizon - watch out Sprinkles - here I come!

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