Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Metabolism Mistake: Not Washing Produce...

I confess - this is something we (Bob and me) have to get better at!  Pesticides are not just insect killers, they’re also endocrine disruptor's. Because the endocrine system controls metabolism, exposure to certain chemicals can increase appetite, stimulate fat cells, and cause a sluggish metabolism. Pesticide residue on produce (as well as any plastic packaging they come in) can throw off your hormone levels and even lead to weight gain.

The solution: Keep eating those fruits and veggies, but be diligent about washing everything, even “pre-washed” salad mixes and foods you won’t eat the rind of, such as cantaloupes and avocados.  Try submerging in a large bowl of water for one to two minutes, then rinsing under running water. Use a soft brush to scrub citrus and other foods with hard peels.

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