Monday, November 21, 2011


All those flavored coffees out there right now, and after a weekend of Starbucks offering 2 for one on any Holiday coffee concoction - OUCH!  Watch out calories!  Of course I din’t partake in such frivolousness!  A cup of black coffee contains just 2 calories. But doctoring your cup of joe can introduce caloric landmines. Whipped cream could tack on 80 to 130 extra calories, as well as 8 to 12 grams of fat. A tablespoon of sugar adds up to 50 calories, so stick with calorie-free sweeteners like Splenda or better yet Stevia.  And think twice before dumping creamer into the mix: Full-fat milk can add up to 140 calories. Reduced-fat and skim milk are smarter choices.

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