Friday, November 18, 2011

Mindless Eating...

Gone are the days of a basic turkey on bread.  Now it's all about the gourmet cheeses and pesto spreads, the dried fruits and candied nuts, and that doesn't only pack additional flavor—it's a lot of extra calories, too.  Concider prioritizing favorite ingredients. Instead of going for aioli-flavored mayonnaise, brie cheese, and calorie-dense ciabatta bread, select just one to make your lunch more deluxe. Same goes for salads: A healthy option can quickly go south if you load up on toppings like shredded cheese, nuts, croutons, and bacon bits. So don't overdo the accoutrements just because your favorite salad bar offers them.  It's a start and these little steps will help imensely!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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