Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Maybe I am a little obsessed with Kirstie Ally, I just don’t want her to fail!  This is the type of article I like sometimes because I would just want to prove them wrong and that would be a great motivation within itself!
Over the years Alley’s fluctuating weight can be tied to key aspects of her career, and some of our experts speculate her motivation to lose the weight each time could be coming from the wrong place —her pocketbook. "First, a contract with Jenny Craig, followed by the opportunity to do the Oprah show in a bikini, then her own line of weight-loss products and a stint on Dancing With the Stars. There was a big prize and deadline attached to the discipline each time,” says fitness expert Lisa Avellino.
According to Hollywood Nutrition Expert Lisa DeFazio, “In my opinion, [Kirstie] lost weight in an unrealistic and extreme way by dancing for 5 hours a day and reportedly eating just 1200 calories per day. Now that she's no longer motivated by the money or the millions of viewers, it's likely she could put the weight back on."
All of our experts agree, if Alley is able to make health her primary motivation, she'll have a better chance of keeping the weight off.  Avellino adds,  "Love yourself more and keep your eye on the real prize—a new and improved you is all the motivation anyone really needs!"

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