Monday, November 14, 2011

It’s the Fall and I can’t get enough mushrooms!  I just love the earthiness flavor and I am probably trying to justify my brunch choice from yesterday!  All I have to see on a menu is “wild mushrooms”  and read no more!  Ha Ha, I had the most amazing HASH yesterday with duck confit, wild mushrooms, russet potatoes and a fried egg.  Not the healthiest choice in the world, but delicious and I am ready to attack the treadmill!  More good news about mushrooms - One study showed that women who ate just one third of an ounce of raw mushrooms a day (that's about one button mushroom) had a 64 percent reduction in breast cancer risk. Other research suggests that mushrooms reduce the effects of aromatase, a protein that helps produce estrogen – a major factor in some breast cancer.

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