Friday, September 7, 2012


Often called the Great Cilantro Divide in culinary circles, people generally either love cilantro or they hate it—as in, they describe the herb as "smelling like death," "eating hand sanitizer," and "gargling with Palmolive." I have a friend like this and I never understood why until I read this!
So why does cilantro taste superb to some but soap-like to others? While genetics may play a part—identical twins often rate cilantro the same way—the big difference is how sensitive your nose is, according to a scientist from the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. People who love cilantro are apparently able to smell a compound in the fragrant herb that haters cannot. Plus, those repulsed by cilantro can keenly smell the unsaturated aldehydes that give it that soapy scent.  So glad I don't have that problem, I love adding fresh cilantro to some of my salads!
Until Monday - Keep thinking veggies and protein!

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