Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Your Yoga Class Could Be Stressing You Out...
I loved thos article!  I have never been a big fan of yoga because I don’t have much flexibility.  Therefore, striving for the “perfect” form could stress me out!
Comparing your standing split to that of the woman behind you can discourage you, especially if your body just doesn't work that way.  Some people don't realize that our skeletons aren't all configured the same way, and therefore you just may not be able to do some poses the same way others can. Plus, copying someone with incorrect form can lead to knee pain and injuries such as shin splints.
Stop the silent competition and make peace with your own personal and physical limitations. So-called ‘shopping’ on another person's mat is counterintuitive to your yoga practice. What comes easily to you may be a challenge to someone else, and what's a challenge to you may be more available to them. And don’t forget that once you perfect a pose, there’s often another, harder version to learn. Ultimately, just be present in the moment and focus on you.  I might have to dust off my yoga mat and give it another try!

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