Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lawnmower Lunge...

OK - I had a rough summer this year!  Issues with my lower back, glutes and time.  I had to lay off crunches - even on my stability ball.  Effect - a slight muffin top :(.  I am going to give this a try! I LOVE Shape Magazine!

What happens when you combine a classic upper-body exercise with a super-effective lower-body toner? Major core activation! And you'll also work your back, legs, and glutes.
Reps: 15/side
How to do it: Grab a dumbbell in your left hand and stand in a split stance with your left foot forward, right heel lifted off the floor. Reach both arms toward the floor as you hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back naturally arched, and lower into a lunge position. Shift your weight into your front leg and rise up out of your lunge, lifting your back leg off the floor to hip height as you row the dumbbell to the left side of your body. Slowly lower back down into your lunge position, returning to start, and repeat.
Form tip: If it's too challenging to lift your back leg up, start by keeping your toes lightly touching the ground as you perform the row.

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